looks good

, but there are somethings that I should just point out.
on 1:text:*:?: {
if (%answer == $1) {
./msg %tester Good Guess | /inc %points | /question
elseif (%answer != $1) {
./msg %tester Good Guess | /question }
I would make:
on 1:text:*:?:{
if ($nick == %tester) {
if ($1- == %answer) {
.msg $nick Good Guess | inc %points | question
else {
.msg $nick <Comment for wrong answer> | question
note: this check to make sure you are talking with the right person, but still does not allow them to change their nick name, maybe you should use /ialmark for that part. It's up to you, but I'm sure you will get it the way you want.
Just remember you have if (%answer == $1) that only allows the answer to be a single word. $1- would allow multi word answers, and just remember what i said about the global and local variables, set and var are not the same, read /help variables , but these things don't really matter that much.