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#61882 26/11/03 05:57 AM
Joined: Aug 2003
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I'd like to request a very useful thing in mIRC, and that is being able to handle SSL servers by itself. These are getting more and more popular, and people have to use 3rd party scripts/programs, like WinSSLWrap, or a new good one is StunTour ( http://www.bovine.net/~jlawson/coding/stuntour/ ). Something like that would be great.


#61883 26/11/03 06:19 AM
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Mostly harmless
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Good idea, I've been always struggling with sslwrap too..

#61884 26/11/03 06:26 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You may have tried a Search beforehand and resolved the following:

SSL Support
SSL Support
SSL Support
Built In SSL

Feel free to take your pic. There are also plenty more, but just to stress my point I felt this was enough. That is also only in Feature Suggestions portion of this forums. I'm positive if I extended the search to all forums, it would cover a lot more replies.

#61885 26/11/03 06:36 AM
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Ok sorry.. I did look, but looks like not enough. Now I've read those threads though, and understand what's your problem with adding SSL.
But noone ever mentioned the possiblity:

Just add SSL support to mIRC. Users would have to get the openssl dlls themselves, as their own responsibility, if they're allowed to. And that's not Khaled's problem anymore, he didn't distribute openSSL with mIRC.


#61886 27/11/03 12:02 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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i think its time to block new threads with subject with *ssl* smile

#61887 28/11/03 03:03 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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i think its time to block new threads with subject with *ssl*

That would give the false impression that a feature isn't in demand though. Replying to an old thread is useless on this board, They do not get moved to the top. So in the face of numerous new threads it is highly unlikely Khaled would ever read them.

It might be annoying to us to keep reading the same suggestion, But who knows, It might be helpful to Khaled to know what features people are really interested in.

If a similair topic is on the same page then yes, That should be replied too. But if the feature hasn't been mentioned for a long time, And versions of mIRC have came and gone, I don't see how it would help your interest to reply to an old post that is buried in the forum archives.

I can understand why a help forum would want to impose this rule, So that they are not continually answering the same basic questions. And many of you are IRC helpers. But somehow a feature request forum is different, And it is important for the Author to appreciate the popularity of a request.

#61888 28/11/03 04:05 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Khaled reads these forums and I think SSL support is on his to-do list, and it most probably will be supported some day. So it's useless to post these suggestions again and again and again and so on... Feature won't be added just because many people demand it, it has to be something useful, like SSL is. But if threads would pop up to be the first on the page we would see 20 threads on the first page with 30000 replies just to keep them on the front page until the feature(useful or just plain crap) would be added. If the thread were deleted and user banned you could always register with new name and start the thread again and probably Khaled would just stop reading the board because he would have to go trough 100 pages before he could find useful suggestions. Is that better than reading trough the 20 new threads if they seem to have interesting topic.

The current system is working and good.

//if ( khaled isgod ) echo yes | else echo no
#61889 29/11/03 06:58 AM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Just an FYI, its possible to set it so only threads active within a certain timeframe are shown. On a daily basis, its a waste of time to leave forums set to show all posts from all dates and have to scroll thru page after page to find the active ones that need answering. example: You can set it at the top to only show those active within the past 24/48 hours, each forum can be set to show active in the last day, two days, week, etc.

So if you reply today to a thread that originated 6 months ago, if i have it set to show active in the last day i'm going to see it on the 1-3 pages of recently active threads that ive condensed to. Therefore, no need to worry about posting to an old thread. Even tho it doesnt "move up" technically, it will "move up" when i ask it to show only the recently active.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet

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