[color:green]; when a user joins who is not you[/color]
on !^*:JOIN:#: {
[color:green]; dns him to acquire his IP address[/color]
dns $nick
[color:green]; save some stuff for later displaying[/color]
set %chan $chan
set %addr $fulladdress
[color:green]; remove the default user-has-joined-message[/color]
[color:green]; when the DNS is complete[/color]
on *:DNS: {
[color:green]; we only want this on a userjoin, not a manual dns!![/color]
if (%chan) {
[color:green]; echo the normal user-has-joined line plus his IP address[/color]
echo %chan * $dns(1).nick ( $+ $remove(%addr,$dns(1).nick,!) $+ ) has joined %chan using the IP address $dns(1).ip
[color:green]; clean up the mess[/color]
unset %chan
unset %addr