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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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is there a way (code, etc) to show an online status image on our web page while we ol using registered nick ? i've been searching for this around, but couldn't find any clue yet. anyone can help ? thx
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can either have mirc make a webpage and upload it on a regular basis (either hourly, every 5 minutes, or whatever interval you choose), or if you have access to perl, php, or cgi--you can have mirc query the server and tell it you are online..
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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i have access to PHP. but as a newbie, i still can't figure the codes to show an online status image in my web page to tell the visitor that i'm online on mirc with my registered nick. can u help me King
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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help me too please?  i have php also an additional note: maybe if you can create this you can make one for aim icq and msn messengers? 
Last edited by MTec89; 05/11/03 01:10 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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this *should* be a quick demo.. im at school, so I don't have the mneans of testing it, but I will write something up.. This will be what the PHP looks like (I'll assume you know a lil about php. If not, just handle the variable I provide...) I will also be using mysql, but you can use a file just as easy. The onlything is, mysql qould be easier for multiple users. Again, untested but this is the general idea..
<title>Online Status</title>
$mysql_user = ""; // username for mysql database
$mysql_pass = ""; // password to database
$mysql_host = "localhost"; // hostname to database
$mysql_db = ""; // database name
$mysql_table = "usrstats"; // table containing the user info
@$db = mysql_connect($mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_host);
if ($db)
mysql_select($mysql_db) or die("Unable to select database");
// check if the ?loginname=<name>&status=<status> was set.
if (isset($_get["loginname"]) && isset($_GET["status"]))
// Login the user into the database
$query = "SELECT * FROM $mysql_table WHERE name='$_GET[loginname]';";
$result = mysql_query($query);
// there is already an entry, so we update
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$query = "INSERT INTO $mysql_table VALUES (NULL, '$_GET[loginname]', '$_GET[status]') WHERE name='$_GET[loginname]';";
// need to add them into the database
$query = "UPDATE $mysql_table SET status='$_GET[status]' WHERE name='$_GET[loginname]';";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result)
echo "$_GET[loginname] status set to: $_GET[status]";
echo "Unable to set $_GET[loginname]'s status";
echo "Unable to query the database";
Name this to online.php, or change the name in the SOCKOPEN event also. This might be useful to your mysql table...
name CHAR[50],
status CHAR[8] = 'Offline',
INSERT INTO usrstats VALUES (NULL, '[color:red]YourName[/color]', 'Offline');
(Please excuse my sql definition, it has been a while for me. Wheni get home, i'll verify a working version. mIRC Code...
; usage: /setStatus <user> <online/offline>
; example:
; on *:CONNECT: { /setstatus $me online }
; on *:DISCONNECT: { /setStatus $me offline }
alias setStatus {
var %host = [color:red]Website.com[/color]
/sockopen usrstats 80
/sockmark %host $+ , $+ $1-
on 1:SOCKOPEN:usrstats: {
; this is the path to your file. It's going to
; be the link to the file, less the domain
; ex:
; http://www.mywebsite.com[color:red]/folder/online.php[/color]
; (Exclude the http:// part)
var %path = [color:red]/online.php[/color]
var %mark = $sock($sockname).mark
var %host = $gettok(%mark, 1, 44)
var %parm = $gettok(%mark, 2, 44)
if ($sockerr) var %a = $input(Unable to set the status for $gettok(%parm, 1, 32), 1, 32), o, Error)
else {
var %loginname = $gettok(%parm, 1, 32)
var %status = $gettok(%parm, 2, 32)
/sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(%path,?loginname=,%loginname,&,status=,%status) HTTP/1.0
/sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %host
/sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
/set -u10 %usrstats.header 1
if ($isfile(data.txt)) .rem data.txt
on 1:SOCKREAD:usrstats: {
if (%usrstats.header) /sockread 0f %header
else {
/sockread -f &data
/bwrite data.txt -1 -1 &data
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:usrstats: {
/bread data.txt 0 $file(data.txt).size &data
var %loc = $bfind(&data, 0, <body>)
var %len = $bfind(&data, 0, </body>) - %loc
/echo -a Status Outcome: $bvar(&data, %loc, %len)
You basically have a php page that holds the status in a mysql table. From there,you use mIRC sockets to set the status with the php get variables. From there, you can use a query like..
... php code ...
$query = "SELECT * FROM $mysql_table;";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result) {
$results = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($results < 1) {
echo "No users in database";
else {
for ($a = 0; $a < $results; $a++)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo "User: $row[loginname] - Status: $row[status]<br>\n";
... php code ...
And if memory serves me right (and again, untested) that should loop through the database and print out something like: user: KingTomato - Status: online user: cpox - Status: Offline ...etc
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Okay, here is a working version... online.php:
; host to connect to (no http prefix)
[color:Red]alias online_host { return }[/color]
; this is the path to your file. It's going to
; be the link to the file, less the domain
; ex:
; http://www.mywebsite.com/folder/online.php
; (Exclude the http:// part)
[color:Red]alias online_path { return /mIRC/online.php }[/color]
; in my case, i had my own webserver:
; was my file and path.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; usage: /setStatus <user> <online/offline>
; example:
; on *:CONNECT: { /setstatus $me online }
; on *:DISCONNECT: { /setStatus $me offline }
alias setStatus {
var %host = $online_host
/sockopen usrstats %host 80
/sockmark usrstats %host $+ , $+ $1-
on 1:SOCKOPEN:usrstats: {
var %path = $online_path
var %mark = $sock($sockname).mark
var %host = $gettok(%mark, 1, 44)
var %parm = $gettok(%mark, 2, 44)
if ($sockerr) var %a = $input(Unable to set the status for $gettok(%parm, 1, 32), 1, 32), o, Error)
else {
var %loginname = $gettok(%parm, 1, 32)
var %status = $gettok(%parm, 2, 32)
/sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(%path,?loginname=,%loginname,&,status=,%status) HTTP/1.0
/sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %host
/sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
/set -u10 %usrstats.header 1
if ($isfile(data.txt)) .remove data.txt
on 1:SOCKREAD:usrstats: {
if (%usrstats.header) {
/sockread 0f %header
if (%header == $null) /unset %usrstats.header
else {
/sockread -f &data
/bwrite data.txt -1 -1 &data
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:usrstats: {
/bread data.txt 1 $file(data.txt).size &data
var %loc = $bfind(&data, 1, <body>) + 8
var %len = $bfind(&data, 0, </body>) - %loc
/echo -a Status Outcome: $bvar(&data, %loc, %len).text
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias getstatus {
var %host = $online_host
/sockopen usronline %host 80
on 1:SOCKOPEN:usronline: {
var %host = $online_host
var %path = $online_path
if ($sockerr) var %a = $input(Unable to get the status, o, Error)
else {
/sockwrite -n $sockname GET %path HTTP/1.0
/sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %host
/sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
/set -u10 %usronline.header 1
if ($isfile(data.txt)) .remove data.txt
on 1:SOCKREAD:usronline: {
if (%usronline.header) {
/sockread 0f %header
if (%header == $null) /unset %usronline.header
else {
/sockread -f &data
/bwrite data.txt -1 -1 &data
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:usronline: {
/bread data.txt 1 $file(data.txt).size &data
var %loc = $bfind(&data, 1, <body>) + 8
var %len = $bfind(&data, 0, </body>) - %loc
/echo -a Status Outcome: $bvar(&data, %loc, %len).text
use the following aliases: /setstatus <name> <online/offline> /getstatus online.php:
<title>Online Status</title>
[color:Red]$mysql_user = ""; // username for mysql database
$mysql_pass = ""; // password to database
$mysql_host = "localhost"; // hostname to database
$mysql_db = "Demo"; // database name[/color]
[color:blue]$mysql_table = "usrstats"; // table containing the user info (This one shouldn't have to be changed)[/color]
@$db = mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass);
if ($db)
$select = mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die("Unable to select database");
// check if the ?loginname=<name>&status=<status> was set.
if (isset($_GET["loginname"]) && isset($_GET["status"]))
// Login the user into the database
$query = "SELECT * FROM $mysql_table WHERE uname='$_GET[loginname]';";
$result = mysql_query($query);
// there is already an entry, so we update
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
$query = "INSERT INTO $mysql_table VALUES (NULL, '$_GET[loginname]', '$_GET[status]');";
// need to add them into the database
$query = "UPDATE $mysql_table SET status='$_GET[status]' WHERE uname='$_GET[loginname]';";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result)
echo "$_GET[loginname] status set to: $_GET[status]";
echo "Unable to set $_GET[loginname]'s status";
// nothing passed, just list results
$Online = "Online: ";
$query = "SELECT * FROM $mysql_table WHERE status='online';";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$results = mysql_num_rows($result);
for ($a = 0; $a < $results; $a++)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$Online .= ($a != 0?", ":"").$row[uname];
echo ($Online == "Online: "?"No users online":$Online);
echo "Unable to query the database:<br>\n".mysql_error();;
and finally the sql file:
uname CHAR(50),
status CHAR(8),
INSERT INTO usrstats VALUES (NULL, '[color:red]YourName[/color]', 'Offline');
Change the red portions to your own settings. That should work out fine, as it does on mine. I have it query, and set fine.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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EDit: does your method not produce a security threat???? i mean your setting status via stuff retreaved from the url variables...right? seriously, dude your leet. thanks alot  how can i make this info an image? (one user, myself only of course) kind of like the project dolphin one, except 88x31 pixels instead also, how can i display a table of users with their status online or offline? (a seperapte page than the image one i have requested.)
Last edited by MTec89; 05/11/03 08:17 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I was actually going to do that next. I was thinking about how you could impliment it into a webpage, and i came to a conclusion. if I make it into a function, you can call it easily. All you;d do is at the top of ur site, use:
then call something like showOnline(); as well is perhaps isOnline("user");
Gimme an hour or so, and I'll have it >:D
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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you deserve my big hug, King  i just jump to this board this afternoon and there's bunch of codes i can try of. i still not test it yet, but once again, u deserve my hugs  i'll wait for your next code to show an online/offline image. going to try ur codes now. thx 'lot my friend
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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wait, is there 2 online.php file should i upload to server? 1st one is online.php file contained this code: alias online_host { return } ......... ......... the other is online.php file contained this code: <html> <head> <title>Online Status</title> </head> <body> <? $mysql_user = ""; // username for mysql database $mysql_pass = ""; // password to database .......... .......... i believed i was wrong, pls help thx
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I Have PM'd you a link to my personal apache server, thast has the files and a working demo. Just upload those to the directory you choose, and all should be well. I made decent comments in the code, so you can follow along and should be able to make use of the class. There is also a file called examples.php that has several examples of how things work. Just look through the source, and see how its used--then plug it into your own use. >:S
If anyone else would like th efile, please feel free to PM me. I would release the link, but I have enough search engines that query my ip a day--don't need more.