Sorry, but I don't understand what it is you are after...
from your last post, I presume:
1) You have mIRC (using 3 lines of code) to create a bat file
2) You have mIRC run the bat file then delete it
3) it runs the command but doesn't output...and then you've tried it with /run...
i've tryed
run c:\path\to\command.exe -lcfm > c:\path\to\output.txt
Ok, so now we may be getting somewhere...
U:\>command /?
Starts a new instance of the MS-DOS command interpreter.
COMMAND [[drive:]path] [device] [/E:nnnnn] [/P] [/C string] [/MSG]
[drive:]path Specifies the directory containing COMMAND.COM file.
device Specifies the device to use for command input and output.
/E:nnnnn Sets the initial environment size to nnnnn bytes.
/P Makes the new command interpreter permanent (can't exit).
/C string Carries out the command specified by string, and then stops.
/MSG Specifies that all error messages be stored in memory. You
need to specify /P with this switch.
you use: command.exe -lcfm
Where in the code (help text) above do the switches -lcfm come from? - They are not switches for the /run command in mIRC:
/run [-np] <filename> [parameters]
Runs the specified program with parameters.
The -n switch minimizes the window of the application being run.
The -p switch sets the working path to the path of the application being run.
You can enclose the filename or parameters in quotes if you need to. If you specify
a non-executable file, mIRC tries to open it with the application associated with that file
and again it's not a valid switch for
It seems to me, that unless you've got a special or are using a different executable file other than, that the switches will not work (also note that with DOS, you would normally use switches for e.g.
/Switch and in mIRC
Don't know if this has anything to do with it...Seems like there's nothing to output...
Hope this isn't going on too much, am working and have to keep coming back to this to finish!! (and its a Monday Morning!!!)
[EDIT: added a newline to get the forum back into alignment -Hammer]