when i woke up this morning to my computer, it was making the windows XP default beep like nuts. i looked to find what it was. no keys were being held down or anything.
then i looked at mirc and i tried to run some of the commands that i would normally run. i ran commands that were defined in my aliases, from my own user defined ones to /j for /join. but nothing worked.
i would end up with a
* Break: command halted (line 40, aliases.ini)
* Break: command halted (line 1, aliases.ini)
in addition, my status window is filled up with
* Break: command halted
then i realised that the beeps were coming every time someone typed a line on a channel that i was on. this was kind of annoying.
i restarted mirc, and none of my remote script for connecting to quakenet worked. in fact, mirc was just as broken as before.
i looked up at my toolbar, and on my aliases button was a little red dot. i think this may be a telltale sign of something, but i'm not sure what.
in #help on quakenet they told me to run a virus scan, which i am doing. nothing's turned up yet, and i don't think it's a virus. i may be wrong though.
all i know is i woke up this morning and the peaceful mirc i went to bed next to is now strung out on cocaine and it's panties are all twisted and it's probably pregnant.