I would very much like to be able to catch some of mIRC's default texts... things like:
[15th?01:05:44] * Connect retry #1 irc.some.net (6667)
[15th?01:06:05] * Unable to resolve server
[15th?01:05:41] * [10053] Software caused connection abort
[15th?01:05:41] * Disconnected <== able to haltdef this on in the on DISCONNECT event...
[14th?19:22:46] Local host: ??????????????? (???.???.???.???)
[14th?00:31:20] * Connecting to irc.some.net (6667) <== able to haltdef that in some kind of on LOGON (that doesn't work the way on LOGON is now...)
* Retrieving #Channel modes...
all of these kind of messages which mIRC doesn't let you parse by build in event or otherwise (xept maybe dll's?)