I just upgraded to mirc 6.12 today to get rid of the exploit and have found you've messed it all up!
Messed up? How much less descriptive can you get? You haven't mentioned one real problem in mIRC your text.
Why the need to change the menus? There was nothing wrong with the way they were! I dont plan on relearning a client ive used for years........
Well if you want to be an old dog refusing to be house trained then that's your problem. I've been using mIRC since Windows 3.1, and never had a problem with any upgrades. This includes the recent 6.12 upgrade. It took me less than 5 mins to manually verify and adjust all the mIRC option settings. In my opinion, there were a small number of cosmetic changes between 6.03 and 6.12.
6.12 if functional. All my scripts are working flawlessly; no modifications were needed.
Upgrades are simple, if you plan for them. I use two techniques:
1) I take snapshots of all my configurations, print them out and save them for reference when I upgrade.
2) Do a trial install on a second PC and match configuration options the old version on the first PC. Then once I have identified all the tweeking needed, I upgrade the first PC.