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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Can we PLEASE PLEASE have a fix for this client!!!! I don't like 6.1x and neither do tons of other people. i just dont like the way servers work, and there is a bug with the logging, it puts them all in one folder even if you selected a network folder for each.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i just dont like the way servers work Don't like what about the way the servers work? and there is a bug with the logging Bugs get fixed if people report them and apt time is given to fix them. Would you rather Khaled spent his time fixing the bugs in 6.1x so the client can progress from there or would you prefer he reverted back to 6.03, wasting a year's worth of work converting the mIRC source to a new compiler so tha he can fix the bugs in an out of date version? And then of course he could never update to a new compiler again because it would re-introduce all the bugs that were created the first time round with the release of 6.1x and we'd go through this whole whinefest all over again.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Would you rather Khaled spent his time fixing the bugs in 6.1x so the client can progress from there or would you prefer he reverted back to 6.03, wasting a year's worth of work converting the mIRC source to a new compiler so tha he can fix the bugs in an out of date version? First off, no way in hell did it take him a year to convert it to a new compiler. Second, YES I would like him to go back to 6.03, why? Because in this case, going backwards would be progress. Progress doesn't always mean going forward you know, sometimes the ways of the past are better than the ways of the present.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Are you trying to be an <deleted>? Cuz you're doing a good job! Okay thanks.
I did report the logging bug when it first came out. I even reported it again, and again today. Soooo... thank you.
Secondly, I don't like having to press the button to switch between user info and the actual server connection. I chat on like 7 networks, and oper on 3. I have to change my user info a lot, and this is just silly the way it's set up.
And yes, I am not alone, I am in the #help channel on a lot of networks and hear a lot about people liking 6.03 > 6.1x
<brat note: please disagree without name calling>
Last edited by ParaBrat; 14/10/03 08:26 AM.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Thank you so much for your support on this matter codemastr. I could not agree more. I don't mind fixing things that aren't broken (like breaking them and putting together yet again)... but seriously the vote is mirc 6.03 > 6.1x. And that's the story I'm sticking with. It has nothing to do with being against Khaled's ideas or anything. It has to do with wanting more functionality, and I don't like the upgrade.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What's being an [censored] about asking 2 questions and stating a fact? I asked what you didn't like about the servers. I stated that bugs get fixed if they're reported and reasonable time has been given to fix them - I never said you hadn't reported it. Then I asked which you'd prefer and gave you 2 options. I repeat, what's being an [censored] about that? Anyway... I don't like having to press the button to switch between user info and the actual server connection. I chat on like 7 networks, and oper on 3. I have to change my user info a lot, and this is just silly the way it's set up. Well all the user info is still on the same screen, but I assume whatever you meant made sense. If you don't like it, why not report it as a feature suggestion for the next version of mIRC instead of suggesting that we go back a year just for the sake of a minor graphical niggle?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you don't like it, why not report it as a feature suggestion for the next version of mIRC instead of suggesting that we go back a year just for the sake of a minor graphical niggle? I have suggested that things be changed. What happens each time I do? I get people like you calling me an idiot!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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First off I never called you an idiot, if anything I called you an imbecile. But in that thread you never suggested that the next version of mIRC simply be 6.1x with some changes back as they were in 6.03, you suggested that 6.1x basically be ignored and that we 'start again' from 6.03, which really doesn't make sense to me for reasons I stated both there and in this thread.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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And people from the UK wonder why they don't get along with Americans.
Anyway, we are no suggesting we start at 6.03 and go to 6.06 6.08 etc. We are saying we liked the way the features were. We have reported that and it's not getting us anywhere. Why don't you <deleted by moderator>and stop responding to this post since you hate the idea so much.
Last edited by ParaBrat; 14/10/03 08:29 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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And people from the UK wonder why they don't get along with Americans. Enough of that please. It's unnecessary as well as baseless, unfounded and absurd. Cheers.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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While you can "hate" 6.1x so much, he can "hate" your idea so much. While you can post asking for such changes, he can post disagreeing. But your "americans x english" stuff? No, this is not the place. Perhaps we all should think about WHO and WHY either should stop posting or cheer up a little, stay on topic and actually answer what's being asked, with no need to turn one more thread into an useless and ridiculous one.
* cold edits his posts 24/7
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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First, have you tried v6.12, it should solve the logging problem.
Second, everyone has the right to state their opinion here, whether they agree or disagree. you cant dictate that only ppl who agree with you should post.
Third: lets stop with the name calling and creative insults, and with accusations of bias based on national origin.
Fourth: post with common courtesy please, it really is possible to disagree without turning a thread into a flamefest.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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No, you're not an idiot.
Please tell me what you do not like about mIRC 6.1... It would be better if you told us... I wonder why you hate mIRC 6.1 so much too.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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well, i tryed mirc 6.11 and 6.12 and liked them, specialy the last one that doens't have the most anoing exploit. But mainly i like them because of the increase of perfomance that we can get with it. Has many of you already noticed file reading and writing are extreamly faster. Many of you may say "how cares..." well scripts may care about it. Also the compress features and the unlimited size in &binvars help alot. For me version 6.12 may continue to grow. Has for 6.03 also one of my favorits, can grow to handle the protection for the exploit problem and stop there. I belive mirc6.03 users will like it. thanks for your time to read this tontito
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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- However insignifigant, I find the grips annoying - The menus have been redesigned making it hard to find things - Hotkeys I use all the time (such as the one to get to the fonts dialog) have been removed - The options dialog has been completely redesigned making it hard to find things - The toolbar buttons I frequently used (the help button, and the 'specific' script editor buttons) were removed - The about dialog refuses to be hidden (I've heard registering fixes this, but I refuse to give 6.1X access to my registry so that it can read my registration info, I'm afraid it would screw up my 6.03 settings) - Buttons have been "resized" to make them more standard, I call it a waste of space and an ackward interface - Many new bugs (the ctrl+k for numbers > 15 for example which was "fixed" in 6.11 but still exists anyway)
Those are just some of the reasons. But you can see it isn't that there is 1 single thing that I don't like about 6.1X and am therefore being stubborn, it is many things that all add up to one big thing, a client I don't like.
Oh another thing about mIRC, all the things that Khaled "refuses" (?) to add are already present in other clients. So why sit around begging Khaled to add things for years (for loops for example) when other clients already have what I want?
Last edited by codemastr; 14/10/03 10:43 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I am with Cozma. I know her from rizon too. Im disappointed about new mirc 6.12
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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First off, you're bias by being a moderator here.
Secondly, you discuss voicing your opinion, but my post got edited.
This forum is crap. I rather just send my emails straight to Khaled like I did before, at least they got realistic responses.
MIRC 6.1x sucks. end of story.. i agree with all the crap that codemastr listed.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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first: biased? because i suggested that you try a version that corrected a logging issue? Or because i said everyone has a right to voice their opinion? Or because i asked that you post with common courtesy? Um. ok, i am biased in favor of allowing everyone to state their opinion with courtesy and respect. I admit it.
second: the only thing i edited in your post was a rude obscenity. your opinion (other than what the user should do with himself) is intact. You have the right to your opinion, you do not have the right to freely insult other posters, and they have the right to not be insulted.
If you prefer to email Khaled, that is your right. If you dont like or want to use v6.12 or any other particular version, that is also your right. I dont know why you feel it matters to me personally what version you or anyone else uses. Trust me, it doesnt, that is a matter of personal choice, which i respect.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet