RSS is nifty imho, but it hasn't really had a huge impact. I've talked to a lot (well, at least 1, ok maybe it was just an automatic system) of Australian web admins who seem... afraid... of it infact.
Does anyone here actually both possess and use a standalone or integrated RSS client?
Secondly, what do you lot think of adapting RSS to suit IRC - I've seen a website (can't remember its URL) that lists channels plus an activity, which I quite liked.
It would also be possible to do a similar thing with a mirc script - provide a basic XML RSS digest of current channels plus activity levels (assessed on active chatters vs silent ones, occurance of certain words like 'lol', which indicate a channel is both active and entertaining), with topic, channel url, irc:// link to it and everything.
I want other people's ideas and suggestions about adapting it. It'd be a very different approach to using a /list, but still have the same sort of effect. I think it'd also be a nice way to interact with IRC, kind of like a word of mouth on steriods.
Incase your wondering, I already have a RSS client for mirc, i'm just getting a little bogged down in the dynamic channel output stats majiggie.. Wow its 5am and it shows, dunnit.
What do you lot think?