No one company can shut down an entire IRC network unless they happen to own all the servers connected to that network like MS does for the MSN network
You know, having used IRC for a decade, i.e. since before mIRC was even a glint in Khaled's eye, I really do think I know that. And I actually said that I had heard that Easynet were closing THEIR chat services, not everyone else's, LOL.
I also stated quite clearly that
There seems to be no statement from the company about it anywhere in the news, ditto no press release on their website
So I have indeed checked their website. IRCnet not having a central "ownership", I *also* checked the and other sites related to the network, and other than a mention on the former by Lorry I saw no info. at all, let alone an announcement.
IRCnet @#beginner @#travelersinn
DALnet @#travelersinn