Just out of curiosity, place the script at the top of your current remote file and try. If that doesnt work, put it at the top of the first remote file in the list. If either of thoe work, you have an event somewhere else catching the (im assuming) on join before you are. Ex:
on *:JOIN:#: {
/msg $chan welcome, $nick
on @*:JOIN#:#: {
/mode $chan +v $nick
On a join, only the first event would trigger (Reason explained
Here) Due to mirc parsing method. Where as if you put it at the top, it may work. If moving it up, or to another script does help, then this may be the case. Just make sure you moving it isn't doing the same "block" convension that your auto-voice script was just victim to.
Another bypass is to make a new script file and past ti there. Though scripts one after another wont parse two of the same event matches, same event matches in different files will work. Ex:
---------------------- Remote01.mrc
on *:JOIN:#: {
/msg $chan welcome, $nick
---------------------- Remote 03.mrc
on @*:JOIN#:#: {
/mode $chan +v $nick
/echo $chan Auto-Voice
That will execute both on Join events because they are in seperate files.
just something to think about.