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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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it would be nice to do this IF possible:
when an author makes script it is normal inside mirc with script editor, but due to lotz of ripoffs it would be neat if khaled could make some sort of compiler so when author makes all in remotes, aliases etc.. so you can compile it in some sort of dll or exe that will paralel work with mirc like normal script but it would be protected....
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Please use Search next time ("compiling script", "And", "All posts", 9999). Basically, I doubt 100% that this would be supported by Khaled. Firstly, because a "protected" (compiled) script wouldn't protect its users. It's so easy to make nasty, bad things with mircscripting and no one would be able to read/solve any kiddy issue. Secondly, it's a script, not a program. One of the big points of its concept is to be open source. If you want to "protect" your scripts, either make them damn hard to read and understand (it's possible) or code an entire DLL instead (and I doubt your users would use it, well they would if they're senseless ones, since a DLL with no source included would also have a big chance of being rejected by many).
* cold edits his posts 24/7
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Actually, I've come to realize that nobody rips off code. It's one big urban legend started by scripters who wish to hide their code from critical eyes in fear that their backdoors might be discovered.
Anyone with the capability to literally "rip" your code, that is, to extract a snip of your code and encorporate it into their own... is undoubtably capable of scripting it all on their own, unassisted by your efforts.
No. mIRC will never "compile" or otherwise obfuscate your code for you.
- Raccoon
Well. At least I won lunch. Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You ppl are really amazing. By people, I refer to the bunch that have taken it apon them self to leanr an open source "language" (if you will), that you knew from the beginning was just that, open source, and then want to make it not open source. I laugh whenever i see the words compile or encrypt and it has to do with the open source language you learned. (See a patter here?)
If you dont want people to see your code, you can do one of three things.
1) Complain until your blue in the face later finding out your ignorance to find it was to stay an open source language overcomes you. 2) Write everything in a DLL, and use calls on *:TEXT:*:#: { /dll mydll.dll OnText $chan $nick > $1- } 3) Dont write code
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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4) Dont share any of your scripts with anyone at all.
thats also another method to never have your code read by anyone lol
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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just post a screenshot on all the popular scripting sites before you send it out  or, stop scripting.
new username: tidy_trax
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What about a function in mirc that just compiled the script to a encrypted/compressed format, and then reversed it when you loaded it, BUT didnt give you the option to edit the script, or cut and paste it, enough to see it, but not copy it, Damn that would be but annoying. Still if u needed to look a script over to see what it might be doing, you could still see it, if it looked dodgy then unload it. or if u wanted to copy soemthing from it, well u must copy by hand, thus stopping mass duplication. I guess its a bit pointless as someone would just hack at it and build a reverser of there own.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Most mIRC websites would ask you for the source code, not encrypted code, anyway, Just like they do with DLL's.
Which would make this 'compiling' usesless for mass distribution. Nobody would choose to download an encrypted one over a normal one, There would be no speed advantage, Infact the encrytped one would take longer to load. It's not as if you can compile a mIRC script to machine code. It would just be trivial encryption - for the purupose of making it unreadable. That isn't the purpose of compiling in any other langauge.
And for personal distribution, You should be able to trust people enough not to rip your code... If someone wanted to send me a script, I would never accept an encrypted one, when they could just as easily send me a plain text..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Just to clarify what i ment, the file has only been "encrypted" to the level of you cant read it in notepad, mirc just decyptes it, then treats it like any other script file, no one can hide bad things in it, as the mirc editor would show the text, just not let you copy and paste it from the editor window.
I can see someone who has spent a good amount of time writing say a trivia bot or something, not being particually happy with someone changing the name and saying theres is a new version, with 99% of the same code
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Three words--get over it.
If you dont like the circumstances that come with an open source language, dont write in it. Its very simple. I am sick and tired of people wanting to change something thats was A) Understood to be open source B) Always been open source C) Scripted under the knowledge it's open source -- then want to make it closed source. If you dont want people seeing what you've dont, Dont write it, dont release it, And just dont bother.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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you already said that once, why repeat yourself, just becuase you have your opion, doent mean everyone else should have to hear you repeat it.
so Three words--dont repeat yourself
(not so nice when someon does it to you is it)
Oh and personally on this subject, I couldnt careless who might have my code, use my code, laugh at my code, even claim it was theres if they like. I was simply suggesting a option that would let people "feel" a bit happier when they have written something there proud to call there own. I said "feel" as as i said before someone would just build a proggy to return the "encrypted" script to plain text.
As i once heard someone say "locks on doors only keep honest people out"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It completely removes the ability for people to improve or edit scripts to their liking, which makes all scripts which would use such a 'feature' completely useless IMO. No doubt any feature like this being added would result in one of two things happening: 1) The encryption is broken externally so people can decrypt scripts and then use them as normal. 2) mIRC is cracked so that you can copy/paste encrypted scripts from the internal editor. The cracked version of mIRC would quickly spread across IRC. No doubt it wouldn't be long before trojan infected versions were in circulation and thousands of people are left vulnerable because of it.
Or sensible (but almost certainly wouldn't happen) hidden option: 3) No scripters use the encryption, understanding that it's the open source nature of mIRC scripting that keeps it's community thriving.
The only kind of compiling I would ever like to see in mIRC is something equivalent to the compilation of Python programs, where the files are simply compiled at runtime (if a compiled version doesn't already exist) simply for the purpose of parsing speed, and even though the files aren't human-readable they can easily be decompiled back into their original source. But even this wouldn't thrill me or anything, as far as I'm concerned mIRC scripting is fast enough for it's purpose.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Didnt know what compiling at run time was called tell now.
Dont think it would work tho, as each line can be made up of anything at all, you know commands being made up of varables etc etc.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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you already said that once, why repeat yourself, just becuase you have your opion, doent mean everyone else should have to hear you repeat it.
I repeat when others dont seem to get the hint. This compiling discussion has gone on as far back as i can remember, why are people repeating "lets compile"? ont think it would work tho, as each line can be made up of anything at all, you know commands being made up of varables etc etc.
Have you even looked at a C\C++ program? You dont think there are variable in the source code.. "Well, he is using int a over here, we cannot compile this program.." Think before you speak, would you? The main facts are that mirc is a opensource code, and should be left it. There are already trojan infected mIRC running around that are open source, why do we need encrypted forms of it? Yea, what better way to spred more torjans, then to hide all the crap from the user to they dont even see it coming. Atleast with the current setup, you can examine the code before using it (which all should entertain the idea of doing so). By encrypting it your just forcing people to run soemthing first to find out what it is, and by then its too late. Whatever that file was set out to do, has already happened.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The difference is in mIRC a variable can be evaluated and interpreted as a command if placed alone on a line. You cannot do this in any compiled language because said-language command names are unknown in machine code. if a variable contained "myfunc(blah)", the compiled language could only treat it as a string and nothing more.
In mIRC, things are interpreted (compiled) in real time, line by line. There is a big difference.
- Raccoon
Well. At least I won lunch. Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if a variable contained "myfunc(blah)", the compiled language could only treat it as a string and nothing more. Windows: GetProcAddress *nix: dlsym Those two functions allow you to do (almost) exactly what you just said can't be done.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I can see this from both sides. You spend a long time working on something then someone comes along and takes it claiming it for themselves. Just becasue mIRC is open source does not mean this is good practice. I dont think encrypting/compiling scripts is the solution. I think the way most people respond to this suggestion is in a negative way however they respond positively to the idea of stealing/ripping someone elses code. The affect of the community is a very powerful one if ripping was frowned upon my members of the community then perhaps would happen less often. Instead we just say "oh well let them do it."
Using someone elses code isnt whats wrong. In fact thats how most people learn by actually looking at then using code written by someone else. It is only fair to at lesat make an attempt to notify the author or give them some kind of credit. It makes them feel better (in that they helped someone) and if anyone ever accused the person of stealing it at least they can say no i asked for it or gave credit.
I dont think ripping happens as often as some people think. From what ive observed of scripters they tend to preffer writing thier own version of it. Even if another version or better one exists.
As for the trojan/virii issue I dont really see it as mIRC's responsibility to gaurd against it. Ultimately its the responsibility of the user to deal with the software they choose. Granted you wouldnt purposely add a feture that only has that purpose however compilation/encryption can have several other purposes as well. Remember theres alot of things in mIRC now that can be used for both good and bad.
My opinion on the topic at hand however is that i feel it shouldnt be added. This is primarily because its an open source language. Thats its function. There are other languages that arent and anyone is more than welcome to learn/use those languages. a closed source version of mIRC IMO would completly ruin it (i know it would for me)
Have Fun
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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"Think before you speak, would you?" ^^ Im sorry for the one I replied to your first one, but just trying personal jibs doesnt get either of us anywhere.
You may have missed what i was meaning. varables may hold the actual commands you want to perform, hers some examples...
/set1 { set %c echo | set %l -s } /set2 { set %c write | set %l test.txt } /set3 { set %c aline | set %l @blah | window @blah } /set4 { set %c myalias | set %l } /test { %c %l this is a test }
Dependent on the values of %c (& %l) a different command (and location) are selected. This can be used to route output to a status window, a file, custom window, or a alias called myalias without having to call a routine to deal with where its going, which would increase over all proccessing time.
you might also have something like this where you have unknown calculations to make....
/is { tokenize 32 $1- | return $iif(( $calc( $1-3 ) $4 $5 ),$true,$false) } /test { echo -a $is($1-) } >> //test 23 + 43 != 66 >> $false >> //test 12 * 12 > 100 >> $true
Im not sure what you were saying below that about, having to run the script before seeing it, I load scripts into Mirc and and look at them before they are run all the time. Thus if they were blocked from being copied, you could still examine it before execution