I used to be able to connect on my old computer which had windows 98. My new computer has XP. When I upgraded to this 6.1 do you think it has bad info in my ini file that is causing the identd to not work correctly? How do I fix that if that is the error? I see a different IP address than IPCONFIG says I have in Local Info in the Host section and the IP address section after I try to connect. What do you think? I appreciate your ideas...I gave up a few months ago but would like to get back on Mirc. It seems like something is not working in my ident system to let me on. Thanks again for any ideas on how to work this.
* You were killed by stats.dal.net (stats.dal.net (User has been banned from DALnet ([AKILL ID:1039130240K-e] [exp/identd] IRC clients from your domain are required to respond to identd requests in order to connect to DALnet. Visit
http://kline.dal.net/exploits/ident.htm for more information. SBIS-3BL)))
Closing Link: adsl-64-219-77-122.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net HoustonMan (Killed (stats.dal.net (User has been banned from DALnet ([AKILL ID:1039130240K-e] [exp/identd] IRC clients from your domain are required to respond to identd requests in order to connect to DALnet. Visit
http://kline.dal.net/exploits/ident.htm for more information. SBIS-3BL))))
* Disconnected