I can understand changing scripts from version to version for compatibility. I never thought invoking something external like a DLL call would cause a rewrite. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to rewrite(!)
The functions in the DLL follow the mIRC DLL guidelines, act upon the passed data and return either a variable or ask mIRC to execute a command directly.
The call is made in the following form:
/callDLL {
set %dll_output $dll(dllname.dll, $1, $2-)
Where $1 would be the DLL function name, and $2- the parameters to pass.
In version 6.03, regardless of it the DLL function returns code 2 (execute command returned by DLL) or return code 3 (DLL has filled return data variable and should process it in some way - in this case set %dll_output with the result) tthe above mentioned aliases would handle both.
Now, with version 6.1 - it will not execute functions that return code 2, and those with return code there have phantom characters introduced into the output (!!)
Something definitely has changed, question is, was it intentional or is this one of those undocumented features?
-- essEnce