Nice work with mIRC 6.1. I love all the new additions. The /fopen, /fread etc commands are a much needed addition. I don't know how mIRC handles these functions internally though. Are they just a wrapper over the stdio functions? Although the lines don't seem to be buffered. Eg. if i /fwrite a line to a file it appears immediately. Perhaps there could be an option to line buffer or block buffer it to improve performance even more (and in this case an /fflush command)? Also how about adding switches to /fopen for opening files read only/write only etc.

It's nice to be able to use regex matchtext in events now. One thing that would be really great is to have an =~ operator (like in perl).

if (%var =~ /regex/) {

Using identifiers to check regex matches isn't quite as nice.

One thing that I found interesting was the new /* */ style comments. I tried them about, but soon learnt that you must have the /* and */ each as a new command, which seems like a bit of a hack. Still, it is useful for commenting out large chunks of script.

Lots of the minor additions were handy as well, like the $disk improvement, /ban -k, /dccsend etc, $msfile, $rawmsg.