Hahah, just read yer post Watchdog, i`m gonna pack up n move to australia, our cinema is rubbish, its
like sitting in a cupboard to watch movies in ours, the service is rubbish too, no one to bring yer drinks to ya,
you gotta watch yer coat incase someone nicks it, their idea of surround sound is 1 speaker with some bloke
running around with it

All this for about £4.50 - dunno how much that is in australian or american $ but i think thats pretty steep, esp
if i wanna enjoy the film, like T3, i spent the entire film leaning forward, you just cant relax there and they spent
about £1000 last year on refitting it, they ripped all the seats out and made them comfy.
/me looks to see where the comfy ones are
Still i`ll continue going there, next time i might stand up, but one thing, i`ll always
buy my movies on DVD, why ?
Because you get extras on them, and other special features, why would anybody wanna just download a poor quality mpg
that displays ads from the person who ripped or filmed the movie, and then theres the what if theres a glitch about halfway through the movie that might have sum inaproprate material (inserted by ripper) and then what if the film just abruptly ends.