Hey, I just wondered if anyone could explain what binary files are relatively used for and show me a practical implication of them with an alias or mini-script. I've read the help file but i just need to see the binary files to actually do something to work. :tongue:
Binary practically means everything that is NOT a plain text file, eg exe files, zip files, image files, movie files, etc. You can use it to have mIRC download/upload files to webservers and ftp servers.
DALnet #Helpdesk I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
You most likely would not read an exe file unless you are familiar with the MS PE (portable executable) file format, which based on your question, I'm assuming you're not. A good example of binvars is in most http file downloader scripts, try looking on www.mircscripts.org for a file downloader, it most likely will use binary variables.