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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Below is a script someone from the old boards made for me. And, as he said, if the site ever changed its layout, the script would most likely fail. So, I was wondering if anyone would help me fix it. Here's the code:
alias high.score {
sockclose rune
sockopen rune www.runescape.com 80
if ($1) {
.sockmark rune /hiscoreuser.cgi?username= $+ $replace($1-,$chr(32),_)
else {
.sockmark rune /hiscore.html
on *:sockopen:rune:{
if ($sockerr) {
echo $color(info) -s *** Socket Error (on open) \ $sockname - $sock($sockname).ip
sockwrite -n $sockname GET $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: */*
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.runescape.com
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:rune:{
if ($sockerr) {
echo $color(info) -s *** Socket Error (on read) \ $sockname - $sock($sockname).ip
var %tmp,%ex = ^(<table>|</td>),%un = $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,-1,61)
sockread %tmp
if (<font size=3> isin %tmp) {
tokenize 62 %tmp
echo -s $remove($3,</b)
echo -s Rank Name Level XP
if (<b>Name</b> isin %tmp) {
set %rank 0
if (<b>Level</b> isin %tmp) {
set %rank 0
if (<b>XP</b> isin %tmp) {
set %rank 0
if (<b>Rank</b> isin %tmp) {
set %rank 0
if (You do not appear in the top isin %tmp) {
echo -s $remove(%tmp,<br>)
echo -s -
if (This user does not appear isin %tmp) {
echo -s %tmp
if ((%rank isnum 0-11) && ($regex(%tmp,<br>$)) && (!$regex(%tmp,%ex))) {
inc %rank
set $+(%,rune.,%rank) $($+(%,rune.,%rank),2) $remove(%tmp,<br>)
if (</td></tr></table> isin %tmp) {
if ($var(%rune.*,0)) {
var %n = 1
while (%n <= 11) {
if ($($+(%,rune.,%n),2)) {
echo -s $iif(%un == $gettok($($+(%,rune.,%n),2),2,32),) $+ $($+(%,rune.,%n),2)
inc %n
echo -s -
unset %rune.*
if (</html> isin %tmp) {
unset %rune.* %rank
Usage: /high.score [username] It connects to www.runescape.com and looks up the player's highscores if they exist. You dont have to specifiy a username. If not, it just displays the top 10. Anyway, I dont really know much abour $regex, $regusb, or sockets (used this way) to fix it by myself, so, could someone help me here? Thanks.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Change hiscore.html to hiscores.html
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Ok, even with that done, it still doesnt work right. It only returns..
78 polgara 1317 32788750 79 topper314 1317 30940250 80 wapiti 1315 39925250 81 melbelle 1315 27803250 82 punxstar 1315 27589000 83 ladykilljoy 1313 77351000 84 august41 1313 34884000 85 blueonix 1312 38976250 86 money_chan 1311 30690000 87 monofoto 1311 29917000 88 bluez2885 1311 28339750
And it's supposed to go through all the skills and such.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It shows only 15 surrounding players, take a look: http://www.runescape.com/hiscores.html. I don't think we can make it to send the whole list. If it's not what you meant to, please rephrase.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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yes, yes, I know that. but, did you see the "fishing" and stuff beside that? last time, it went through all those stats and got those as well. it was kinda like this:
overall sdjksa asda asdas PLAYER asfdsd dfsf sdfsf
Fishing a dsasd as dsad PLAYER dfsdf sgf
And so on. but.. from how they have it set up now, it looks like iti'd take quite some time to get the stats for everything on the person.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I made a script that can look up a certain person and then puts all the results for that person in a dialog, so I'll have a look at trying to make it get the top 10 for each stat...
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Well, here's why.
The old way they had the users' hiscores is changed..
It used to just be: /hiscoreuser.cgi?username=
Now it's: hiscoreuser.cgi?username=PLAYER&category=0 And the 0 changes for what stat you want to see.
So..yeah, I dunno.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Well.. you'd have to have it use a :loop, and go back through it once it was done checking to see whether you were in that list or not.. here's a start, although horridly sloppy.
alias high.score {
sockclose rune
sockopen rune www.runescape.com 80
if ($1) {
var %c 0
.sockmark rune /hiscoreuser.cgi?username= $+ $replace($1-,$chr(32),_) $+ &category= $+ %c
else {
.sockmark rune /hiscores.html
on *:sockopen:rune:{
if ($sockerr) {
echo $color(info) -s *** Socket Error (on open) \ $sockname - $sock($sockname).ip
sockwrite -n $sockname GET $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: */*
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.runescape.com
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:rune:{
sockread -nt %tmp
echo -a %tmp
You'd have to have it go back and inc %c, then read off the stats for that section.I dont care if I cant get it to get the top 10 for each stat, I'm just looking for it to get that person's stats.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Here is the one I made to do that. With a bit of tweaking you can get it to stop using the dialog.
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Ok.. that didnt really help.
Anyway.. I have this. Now, it's echoing 4 things.. <font color=yellow>
well, it echoes that 4 times. and I cant seem to get this to work right...if possible, could someone help me with this so it'd echo things like this:
PLAYER's stats: Overall: blah Fishing: blah Mining: blah
and so fourth. I'm just not good enough to figure this out.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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...alright, I've done it..type: /high.score Name I tried it on a fresh install so there is no reason it wouldnt work. on *:SOCKOPEN:rs*:{ if ( $sock($sockname).wserr ) { echo -a Error: # $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg return } .remove $sockname $+ .html sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://www.runescape.com/hiscoreuser.cgi?category= $+ $remove($sockname,rs) $+ &username= $+ %rsn HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.runescape.com sockwrite $sockname $crlf } on *:SOCKREAD:rs*:{ :nextread sockread %temp if ($sockbr == 0) return if ( $len(%temp) < 500 ) { write $sockname $+ .html %temp } goto nextread } on *:SOCKCLOSE:rs*:{ if ( $read($sockname $+ .html, w, <font color=yellow>, 1) == $null ) { echo -a $replace($remove($sockname,rs),15,Thieving,14,Agility,13,Herblaw,12,Mining,11,Smithing,10,Crafting,9,Firemaking,8,Fishing,7,Fletching,6,Woodcutting,5,Cooking,4,Magic,3,Prayer,2,Ranged,1,Hits,0,Overall) $+ : n/a goto clearvars } else { var %filler = $read($sockname $+ .html, w, <font color=yellow>, 1) set %rsr $+ $sockname $remove($read($sockname $+ .html,$calc($readn + 1)),<br>) var %filler = $read($sockname $+ .html, w, <font color=yellow>, $readn) set %rsnf $+ $sockname $remove($read($sockname $+ .html,$calc($readn + 1)),<br>) var %filler = $read($sockname $+ .html, w, <font color=yellow>, $readn) set %rsl $+ $sockname $remove($read($sockname $+ .html,$calc($readn + 1)),<br>) var %filler = $read($sockname $+ .html, w, <font color=yellow>, $readn) set %rse $+ $sockname $remove($read($sockname $+ .html,$calc($readn + 1)),<br>) } echo -a Skill: $replace($remove($sockname,rs),15,Thieving,14,Agility,13,Herblaw,12,Mining,11,Smithing,10,Crafting,9,Firemaking,8,Fishing,7,Fletching,6,Woodcutting,5,Cooking,4,Magic,3,Prayer,2,Ranged,1,Hits,0,Overall) Rank: $eval(% $+ rsr $+ $sockname,2) Level: $eval(% $+ rsl $+ $sockname,2) Exp: $eval(% $+ rse $+ $sockname,2) :clearvars unset %rsr $+ $sockname unset %rsl $+ $sockname unset %rse $+ $sockname .remove $sockname $+ .html } alias high.score { if ( $sock(rs?) ) { echo -a Unable, sockname in use halt } set %rsn $1 sockopen rs0 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs1 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs2 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs3 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs4 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs5 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs6 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs7 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs8 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs9 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs10 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs11 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs12 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs13 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs14 www.runescape.com 80 sockopen rs15 www.runescape.com 80 }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Er.. it echoes the skills.. but everything is appearing as n/a
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you are entering the a valid name the only reason it wouldn't work is another scipt or your settings interfering are with it, as it works in a fresh installation for me...
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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/high.score ScripterX <------
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Smithing: n/a Skill: Cooking Rank: 40862 Level: 50 Exp: 111190 Magic: n/a Firemaking: n/a Crafting: n/a Prayer: n/a Woodcutting: n/a Ranged: n/a Skill: Fishing Rank: 42312 Level: 50 Exp: 102180 Agility: n/a Thieving: n/a Fletching: n/a Herblaw: n/a Mining: n/a Skill: Hits Rank: 84380 Level: 43 Exp: 52812 Overall: n/a
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It's not even returning anything for someone who I know is in the highscores. Bah, oh well.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Mm bah have you tried it in a clean install? This would check if it is a problem with the script or with something in your scripts..
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It worked before with all the scripts I have now, so I dont think that's the problem.
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