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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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also, even though msn doesnt allow mirc its still related to mirc because thyre using mirc to connect
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok well then if someone comes here and says "Hi, I'm considering killing my boss. The guy is really getting on my nerves, anyone have any suggestions on a good way to kill him? I want to kill him but make it look like a suicide so I don't get caught, any ideas?"
People should be allowed to help him? In the US we call that "accessory to murder" not "helpful advice"
And, as I explained in another post, Microsoft could, if they wanted to, claim that him providing that help is a crime since it does violate the DMCA.
At the current time, the law saying that using mIRC on MSN is not allowed, if you don't like that the proper action is to write to your elected officials, not decide to break the law and then proclaim that the law is stupid.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok then, "Hi, I need to write a script that will let me launch a DoS attack, can anyone help me?" that relates to mIRC just as much as connecting to MSN does. So just because it related to mIRC means that guy should be helped?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yet again, a stupid example, is connecting to msn harmful? nope. the boss even admits its not. he just doesnt want it on there. is a dos attack harmful? yes, did you give a bad example? yes.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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pheonix - The guy asked for help, he was told that people wouldn't help him with it here because MSN doesn't want people using it's servers with mIRC and it's against the 'policy' of the forum. The poster accepted that, why can't you? Every other post you make is about MSN, whether the thread actually had anything to do with it or not, you just bring it up. For God's sake just get over MSN, it's always been a crap network anyway.
General post - Nobody cares about the thread anymore. It died happily after 2 replies and yet people just keep robbing the grave for every last post they can. Just let it go.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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he accepted it, but that doesnt mean he would rather not have an answer that helps him.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Who says that a guy killing his boss is harmful? I never said that. For all you know the boss is a pedophile and rapist. You're making a blanket statement that you can't back up. Again I say, go talk to your kindergarten teacher.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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your post: Ok then, "Hi, I need to write a script that will let me launch a DoS attack, can anyone help me?" that relates to mIRC just as much as connecting to MSN does. So just because it related to mIRC means that guy should be helped?
i dont even see anything about killing a boss in there :tongue:
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Hoopy frood
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Well when you don't reference anything I said, how am I to know what post you are replying to? And anyway I have no idea who this "boss" you speak of is, and therefore I'll assume he exists in your mind only. If Microsoft (and they are the ones who matter) felt that mIRC on MSN was not harmful, then they'd allow mIRC. You say it's not harmful, I say yes it is. mIRC scripts are MUCH more intensive on a server than an MSN client. You can make a timer that does a /who every 5 seconds, that causes harm (lag and bandwidth usage) for example. Just because YOU don't see something being harmful doesn't mean you're right.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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without mirc, msn would have a lot,lot more spam, there are only the odd 1 or 2 lamers(that ive seen) who tend to flood. the "boss" isnt exactly a boss but one of the admins and i call him "boss" coz he does better than the other admins at keeping order.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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*sigh* talking to you is like talking to a (stupid) wall. No matter how hard I scream, I just can't get past the fact that you have no intelligence.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ive got an idea, <yet another moderator edit of your posts>and accept the fact that if i shouldn't be helping this person then my 1st post would of been deleted/moderated. i have no problem shutting up if a mod wants me to, but when you ask me to ill just do it more, just to annoy you because your <moderator ditto>,if you want me to do something then ask politely.
Last edited by ParaBrat; 06/08/03 10:12 PM.
new username: tidy_trax
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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but when you ask me to ill just do it more, just to annoy you because your so stupid and ignorant,if you want me to do something then ask politely. Lol, spoken like a true child. Ok I'll ask you politely, "Would you please leave these forums and never come back, thank you."
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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spoken like a true child to a true child,you could of easily just ignored this thread, but no,codemastr has to wind me up again. didnt say i would do it.
Last edited by pheonix; 06/08/03 07:38 PM.
new username: tidy_trax
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Speaking of deleting it if it werent neccisary...
That may infact be deleted, and can almost bet this whole thread will be locked on account of pointless arguing but there is not a moderator on 24.7 to delete every post as it happens. Ever think maybe Para, Hammer, d00dman, etc could be not ont he forums every waking hour of the day constantly clicking refresh so they can make a pointless (adn untested) post/remark such as urself?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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well im sure they dont reply to every thread they come across, so i doubt it would take forever to read the new posts, come across this one and then make the changes. also: i get flamed for posting untested code, then i get flamed for posting working tested code just because its for msn,would not helping this person stop him using msn? i highly doubt it,it would just make him use it more whilst looking for answers, so helping him makes no changes to him using msn, accept helping him keep non-profiles out. what harm has it done to you, or any of the other posters? nothing. what harm has it done to the original poster, nothing, it helped him(if he reads this thread again at all.)
Last edited by pheonix; 06/08/03 07:51 PM.
new username: tidy_trax
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Its not that we're actively trying to stop people from using mIRC with MSN, or that we're trying to enforce MSN's policies in any way. But, we also aren't promoting or condoning it. I hope you can appreciate the difference.