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#38848 29/07/03 04:43 PM
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Kev_Uk Offline OP
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Hi, could someone help me out here please

How can i make an auto ban & kick userlist that will add someone to the user
list and give the reason why i banned the person.

I have some that i already made here


on autokick:JOIN:#: if ( $ulist($maddress,autokick,1).info == $chan ) { mode
$chan +b $nick 2 | kick $chan $nick }
on autoop:JOIN:#: if ( $ulist($maddress,autoop,1).info == $chan ) { mode
$chan +o $nick }
on autovoice:JOIN:#: if ( $ulist($maddress,autovoice,1).info == $chan ) {
mode $chan +v $nick }


.Auto Kick
..Add:/auser autokick $$1 $+ !*@* $chan | kick # $$1
..Remove:/ruser autokick $$1 $+ !*@*
..List:/ulist autokick
.Auto Op
..Add:/auser autoop $$1 $+ !*@* $chan | mode $chan +o $1
..Remove:/ruser autoop $$1 $+ !*@* | mode $chan -o $1
..List:/ulist autoop
.Auto Voice
..Add:/auser autovoice $$1 $+ !*@* $chan | mode $chan +v $1
..Remove:/ruser autovoice $$1 $+ !*@* | mode $chan -v $1
..List:/ulist autovoice

#38849 30/07/03 01:38 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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..Add:/auser autokick $$1 $+ !*@* $chan | kick # $$1

..Add:/auser autokick $$1 $+ !*@* $chan [color:red]$input(Enter ban reason:,eq,ban reason needed)[/color] | kick # $$1

and then change
on autokick:JOIN:#: if ( $ulist($maddress,autokick,1).info == $chan ) { mode
$chan +b $nick 2 | kick $chan $nick }

on autokick:JOIN:#: if ( [color:red]$gettok([/color]$ulist($maddress,autokick,1).info[color:red],1,32)[/color] == $chan ) { mode
$chan +b $nick 2 | kick $chan $nick [color:red]$gettok($ulist($maddress,autokick,1).info,2-,32)[/color] }

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
#38850 30/07/03 02:03 PM
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Kev_Uk Offline OP
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Thanks it worked, i did also encounter a problem while testing it with a clone mirc of me, basically what i had setup was my bot celtic^star was on auto voice then i decided to test the code you gratefully made for me, and for some reason your code went into the Users section and the autovoice code i had in there already seemed to have disappeared, cos it was replaced with yours, is there a way i can fix that.

I would imagine i could manually add them to the user list but that would take longer then just simply using the nicklist popups.

#38851 30/07/03 02:55 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Not a clue what you mean. You did replace the code you had with what I gave right (just the lines). If you did, the code shoulda stayed right where it is.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
#38852 30/07/03 03:15 PM
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I'm refering to the User section in Remote, cos i have a auto op, voice, kick script it won't allow me to have celtic^star on User List more then once, i tried to have celtic^star as an autovoice in a channel and autokick on a channel, and they were completely different channels but still it would only let me have celtic^star in 1 user list

autokick:celtic^star!*@* #kevtest Flooding
autovoice:celtic^star!*@* #kevtest2

That's how i would like it to have, but it will only let me use 1 nickname, depending whatever the last command i use on it

I can add it manually and i'm sure it would work but it is a long way around things, i'm not sure if there's a conflict somewhere on the remote codes


on autoop:JOIN:#: if ( $ulist($maddress,autoop,1).info == $chan ) { mode $chan +o $nick }
on autovoice:JOIN:#: if ( $ulist($maddress,autovoice,1).info == $chan ) { mode $chan +v $nick }
on autokick:JOIN:#: if ( $gettok($ulist($maddress,autokick,1).info,1,32) == $chan ) { mode $chan +b $nick 2 | kick $chan $nick $gettok($ulist($maddress,autokick,1).info,2-,32) }


User Levels
.Auto Kick
..Add:/auser autokick $$1 $+ !*@* $chan $input(Enter Ban Reason:,eq,Ban Reason Needed) | ban $$1 2 | kick # $$1
..Remove:/ruser autokick $$1 $+ !*@*
..List:/ulist autokick
.Auto Op
..Add:/auser autoop $$1 $+ !*@* $chan | mode $chan +o $1
..Remove:/ruser autoop $$1 $+ !*@* | mode $chan -o $1
..List:/ulist autoop
.Auto Voice
..Add:/auser autovoice $$1 $+ !*@* $chan | mode $chan +v $1
..Remove:/ruser autovoice $$1 $+ !*@* | mode $chan -v $1
..List:/ulist autovoice

#38853 30/07/03 07:24 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ah, that's simple. /auser -a userlevel mask

Although it's pretty pointless when you have op, av and akick to have any user in two of those categories.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
#38854 30/07/03 07:29 PM
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Kev_Uk Offline OP
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I see what you mean, but i used that as an example, it could of happened with a person who i wanted to be have auto voice or auto op and 2 different channels

#38855 31/07/03 06:23 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That's going to be a problem cause each user can only have ONE set of info, so in your current construction, that is not going to be possible. Hash files have the same problem, so in this case I would suggest using ini files, and create a section for each channel. Each user can then be in each section once, and you can also add info and stuff.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
#38856 31/07/03 02:59 PM
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Kev_Uk Offline OP
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I would go about doing ini files, i can't say i have done that before blush(

#38857 31/07/03 11:16 PM
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Kev_Uk Offline OP
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I meant how would i go about making it with ini

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