I think its amazing that as much of it as is, actually does work for on duel screen/monitors, but a lot of the stuff like the popup menus show up clear on the left(main) screen for me. I think it would be a great thing to have that bug fixed along with taking a look to check other stuff along the same line.
Also, I was woundering about the possibility of mirc's varible string and socket write handling to allow for "$chr(0)" 's. A lot of people seem to like to use mirc's scripting abilities to connection to dif game servers to chat with, as well as catching webpages for search resualts and movie listings and such. Although a lot of the logging in for some of the stuff unfortunately needs the ability to send $chr(0) 's. Just thinking that it would save the hassle of using a gate program if it was able to do that itself.