-> site.chat.server SERVICES memo chatlog list
You send the command: SERVICES memo chatlog list
<- :site.chat.server 277 chatlog 1 TheDude 07/23/03 02:18:20 Old
<- :site.chat.server 277 chatlog 2 TheDude 07/23/03 02:21:44 Old
<- :site.chat.server 278 chatlog :End of Memo List
Services responds using a numeric 277 for each memo. That means you can use
raw 277:*:{ commands } to capture the response and do whatever you want with it. You will know you have reached the end of the list of memos when you get
raw 278:*:{ commands }. $1 will be
chatlog, $2 in the 277 will be the memo number, while $2- in the 278 wil be the End of Memo List message. Consider how $1 through $6 work out.
277 chatlog 1 TheDude 07/23/03 02:18:20 Old
$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
277 chatlog 2 TheDude 07/23/03 02:21:44 Old
From this, you should be able to do what you want to do.
Good luck and happy scripting.