dialog bleh {
option dbu
size -1 -1 100 100
title Bleh!
edit " ", 1, 5 5 90 13
button "OK", 2, 20 50 25 25, ok
on *:DIALOG:bleh:edit:1:{
set %bleh.edit.1 $did(bleh, 1).text
This code has nothing whatsoever to do with x-gui.dll. If you need help with that dll, read the help file that comes with it or contact the dll's author.
DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
This is from Help file of x-gui.dll,witch answers on your question. GetText - Retrieve the text from an editbox. You have to use $dll to get the value. example: var %text = $dll(x-GUI.dll,Editbox,@MyWin > GetText 3)