You can't stop /amsg from doing it, however you could write your own script to do it.
alias aemsg {
var %i = 1, %j = 1, %chans
if ($left($1,1) != $chr(35)) {
amsg $1-
while ($chan(%i)) {
if ($istok($1,$chan(%i),44)) {
inc %i
%chans = $addtok(%chans,$chan(%i),44)
if (%j == 5) {
.msg %chans $2-
%chans = $null
%j = 1
else inc %j
inc %i
if (%chans) .msg %chans $2-
Syntax is:
/aemsg #chan1,#chan2 the message here
This will send to all channels you are on except #chan1 and #chan2.
/aemsg the message here
In this case it works like /amsg.
Just a note, due to the way mIRC works, when you use /aemsg it will _not_ show the text you typed in the channel window. The script could be modified to make it display on your screen as well, but I really didn't feel like doing it. Also this script trys to get around the "target change too fast" issue by only sending to 5 channels per command. If you still get that error change the (%j == 5) to a lower number.