Okay, let's say I got this:
raw 319:*: {
if (xxx isin $3-) || (porn isin $3-) || (warez isin $3-) || (sex isin $3-) {
var %t = $comchan($2,0)
while (%t) {
if ($me isop $comchan($2,%t)) {
ban -u60 $comchan($2,%t) $2 2
kick $comchan($2,%t) $2 I don't like your channels!
dec %t
And I want the whois' to be placed in a @window so I'll get less lag
And if possible to change the kick msg to Pease part the following channel(s): ~Bad Channel(s) here~
Could someone kindly help me to script this
Thanx in advance