dialog new_table {
title "New Project"
size -1 -1 236 134
option dbu
tab "Main", 1, 1 1 207 121
box "Channel", 2, 4 16 135 34, tab 1
edit "#", 3, 7 26 50 10, tab 1
text "Channel Name", 4, 77 27 58 8, tab 1
edit "", 5, 7 37 50 10, tab 1 multi
text "Welcome Message", 6, 77 39 58 8, tab 1
box "Levels", 7, 4 51 134 43, tab 1
edit "3", 8, 7 59 50 10, tab 1
text "Master Level", 9, 77 60 58 8, tab 1
edit "2", 10, 7 70 50 10, tab 1
text "Member Level", 11, 77 72 58 8, tab 1
edit "1", 12, 7 81 50 10, tab 1
text "No Access Level", 13, 77 82 57 8, tab 1
box "Website", 14, 4 95 134 22, tab 1
edit "Put your clans website-adres here", 15, 6 103 129 10, tab 1
tab "Wars", 16
box "Add War", 17, 4 16 200 54, tab 16
edit "War ID", 18, 6 24 27 10, tab 16
edit "Clan Tag", 19, 34 24 34 10, tab 16
edit "Full Clanname", 20, 69 24 52 10, tab 16
edit "War Date", 21, 6 35 50 10, tab 16
edit "War Time", 22, 57 35 64 10, tab 16
edit "Server IP + Port", 23, 6 46 72 10, tab 16
edit "Password", 24, 79 46 42 10, tab 16
edit "Official / PCW / Training", 25, 6 57 71 10, tab 16
edit "Ladder Name", 26, 79 57 42 10, tab 16
text "Enter the informate into the boxes and click Add War", 27, 126 25 75 15, tab 16
button "Add War", 28, 126 42 31 12, tab 16
box "Total Wars", 29, 4 71 60 28, tab 16
text "Latest War-ID is:", 30, 6 78 56 8, tab 16 center
edit "", 31, 5 87 57 10, tab 16
box "Total Won / Lost / Draw", 32, 65 71 100 28, tab 16
edit "0", 33, 67 78 30 10, tab 16
edit "0", 34, 98 78 30 10, tab 16
edit "0", 35, 129 78 30 10, tab 16
text " Win Lose Draw", 36, 68 89 90 8, tab 16
box "Delete war by ID", 37, 4 100 71 21, tab 16
edit "War ID", 38, 6 108 31 10, tab 16
button "Delete", 39, 40 109 31 8, tab 16
tab "Commands", 40
box "The Commands", 41, 4 16 151 71, tab 40
edit "!Showwars Command", 42, 7 24 85 10, tab 40
edit "!Addme to war Command", 43, 7 34 85 10, tab 40
edit "!Remove me from war Command", 44, 7 44 85 10, tab 40
text "These commands are followed by war-ID", 45, 93 36 57 17, tab 40
edit "!Warresults Command", 46, 7 54 85 10, tab 40
edit "!Claninfo Command", 47, 7 64 85 10, tab 40
edit "!Latest News Command", 48, 7 74 85 10, tab 40
text "Replace all of these text by the commands you want, the ! isn't neccesary it also can be ` or *. Just remember to leave "Commands" away", 49, 4 88 151 28, tab 40
tab "News", 50
box "Add News", 51, 4 17 201 63, tab 50
edit "News ID", 52, 7 24 28 10, tab 50
edit "News Date", 53, 36 24 40 10, tab 50
edit "Author of the News", 54, 77 24 58 10, tab 50
edit "Add Ur Message Right Here Dude", 55, 7 35 165 42, tab 50 multi autovs
button "Add News", 56, 173 64 29 12, tab 50
box "Total News ID's", 57, 4 82 48 21, tab 50
edit "", 58, 6 90 43 10, tab 50
box "Delete News", 59, 53 82 40 36, tab 50
edit "News ID", 60, 57 90 31 10, tab 50
button "Delete", 61, 57 102 31 12, tab 50
tab "Contact", 62
box "Website", 63, 5 18 127 20, tab 62
text "http://www.squad3k.com", 64, 8 26 111 8, tab 62
box "IRC Channel", 65, 5 39 127 21, tab 62
text "Visit me @ #Squad3k on Quakenet", 66, 8 48 111 8, tab 62
box "Email", 67, 5 61 127 31, tab 62
text "wilddog@squad3k.com info@sat-gsm.dyndns.org wild_dog_dds@hotmail.com", 68, 8 69 72 21, tab 62
tab "Other", 69
box "Clan Server", 70, 3 17 150 34, tab 69
edit "Public Server IP", 71, 6 25 66 10, tab 69
edit "Server Port", 72, 73 25 34 10, tab 69
edit "Private Server IP", 73, 6 36 65 10, tab 69
edit "Server Port", 74, 73 36 34 10, tab 69
edit "Server Pass", 75, 108 36 40 10, tab 69
box "Info About Clan", 76, 3 52 150 46, tab 69
edit "e.g.: Games your clan plays in wich ladders you are etc.", 77, 6 60 144 35, tab 69
box "Clanleader", 78, 3 99 150 20, tab 69
edit "Clanleader", 79, 5 106 72 10, tab 69
edit "Co-Clan Leader", 80, 78 106 72 10, tab 69
button "Cancel", 81, 210 110 25 12, cancel
button "Ok", 82, 210 97 25 12, ok
button "Save All", 83, 210 14 25 12
text "Made by Squad3K * WildDog .... visit us @ www.squad3k.com / #squad3k @ Quakenet", 84, 2 125 232 8, center