Khaled, I was having the same issuses with GPF's and COM. I was wondering if you could clarify a post I made earlier in the Developer Forum as to why this alais crashes. What it attempts to do is, open a browse for folder dialog box. There was 2 issues I had with it.
One, the dialog box would appear and when selecting a folder it returned a 6 digit INT instead of a Folder name. Run the alias again, and mIRC crashed. (which now that has been fixed and no more crashes occur, which is now at the bottom of that post).
Two, not a single person as of yet that I can recall can seem to use unknown/dispatch successfully. Ive tried using various syntax to use it, in which I would expect that I could create a new com object from the dispatch, then be able to access its methods and properties from that point, which when I try to, Im unable to do so. Because of this I cant access the BrowseForFolder().Title property to get the folder name selected, and I cant get the BrowseForFolder() parameters to work when I want it to show a dialog for files and folders.
If you could clarify (because the help file is extemely vague on unknown/dispatch usage, many of us would greatly appreciate it. I can't as of yet clarify my issue as a bug or something Im doing wrong. Heres the post:
Open Dialog using COM