True. I assumed that it was editboxes in dialogs from KingTomato's post :tongue:
For channel nicklists and editboxes I suppose you could get around the issue by using your sendkeys alias to send shift-tab (to go back to the editbox) and then sendkey the nickname. Or you could copy the nick to the clipboard and then sendkey +{TAB}^V (that way you dont have to worry about nicks containing ^{}[])
alias sendkeys var %a = sendkeys $+ $ticks | .comopen %a WScript.Shell | if !$comerr { .comclose %a $com(%a,SendKeys,3,bstr,$1-) }
alias inserteditbox {
clipboard $$1
; shift tab back to the edit box, ctrl v to paste.
sendkeys +{TAB}^V
Nick List: /inserteditbox $1
Not pretty but it should work and do what the original poster wanted.