I need to read random lines from a text file (I know how to do this) with different color combinations for each line (I don't know how to do this). Each line would have it's own control and color codes (some bold as well). Is there something I've missed in the help files?
if i get u right, u want a random color for the line that has read then do $chr(3) $+ $r(1,15) $+ $read(file.txt) if there is a case that the first letter in the file will be a number so better to use $base($r(1,15),10,10,2) except $r(1,15) so the number will be in double digit format
I want to be able to get the colors from the text file itself. Each line will have it's own specific colors, but the lines will be randomly selected. ex: 08,01 TEXT HERE 00,01 more text here