Scripting tips to try to work-around some of the problems people might be having with the toolbar. Somewhat related to discussions in the thread:

Some of the trouble I have with the toolbar icons are issues I've had in Excel with quick launch icons. Excel has quite a few icons that look so similar to each other that it's hard to tell them apart. Likewise, some of the icons in the mIRC toolbar are very close in appearance that it's hard to tell them apart, and that's only partly caused by the icons being smaller than some people would like them to be.

//var %i 1, %a | while ($toolbar(%i).name) { var %a %a $v1 | inc %i } | echo -a %a

A) This displays the list of icons as they exist now.

//var %i 1, %a | while ($toolbar(%i).name) { var %a %a $v1 | inc %i } | echo -ag %a

If you want to simplify or sanitize your toolbars, you can use one of the following commands.

B) This first one is for rearranging the icons in the toolbar. It uses $findtok to put the Nth icon into the Nth position, so all you need to do is to rearrange the names in the list and it will rearrange your toolbar too. If you delete an icon from this list, you can't guarantee where it will end up in the toolbar row.

//var %i 1, %a | while ($findtok(connect connect2 connect3 sep1 options sep2 chanlist sep3 chanfolder scripts2 sep4 addrbook timer colors sep5 send chat dccopts sep6 rcvdfiles logfiles sep7 notify notify2 urls urls2 sep8 htile vtile cascade arrange sep9 about scripts,$toolbar(%i).name,32)) { toolbar -m %i $v1 | inc %i }

The use-case for #B is to do something I've done in Excel, which is to rearrange shortcuts so that icons that look similar to each other are separated so it's easier to select the correct icon without needing to remember whether it's the left green-dot or the right green-dot.

The 'sep*' names are for the thin separator bars.

This example moves the favorites heart icon between the similar-looking icons for /list display and the scripts editor. Because I rearranged the fav's icon to a later position, it's necessary to re-run this command so that the separator bar goes to the correct display position.

There are 2 icons for the script editor, which is how it shows a green/red dot to indicate whether /remote is ON or OFF. They both inhabit the same position, so like the 3 connect icons, you only see 1 at a time.

The 2 script editor icons are very similar to each other, which can make it hard to notice that /remote is OFF, as I only notice the dot's color when I specifically look for it. For that reason, the above command moves the remote-is-off icon to the tail end of the row, which makes it easier to notice when I've forgotten to turn remotes back on. Note that scripts2 is the ON icon, not the OFF one.

Likewise, the connect icons look similar to each other, so you can use the same trick to re-position the connect icon based on whether you're connected or not.

For the 2nd /notify icon, it has a red ring around it to show that someone on the notify list showed up.

There's a similar pair of icons for the url's icon, but since I don't catch url's I'm not certain what the 2nd icons is for. I thought the 2nd would be for /url ON|OFF like for the scripts editor, but that wasn't it. So maybe it's for a new url showing up.

But in either case, the pair of notify icons are very close together in appearance, so it's hard to use them as a visual alert.

TBD: figure out how to assign a 2nd icon that's easily identifiable from the 1st icon of the pair, so for now you can move the 2nd icon to a different position, as I did for the scripts editor, so you can tell by location rather than looking for a slight nuance in the image.

C) This next one is for hiding or disabling. -h will hide or -b will disable. If you don't want something to be hidden or disabled, then don't have it in the list.

This example disables several icons that I'm tired of accidentally clicking on when I'm trying to click on the switchbar, and it's hard to undo the effect of tiling or cascading.

//var -s %i 1, %a | while ($gettok(htile vtile cascade arrange,%i,32)) { toolbar -b $v1 | inc %i }

-b = disable, -e = enable
-h = hide, -w = show