I don't know if my cuestion is for this section or for
Suggestions but... I want to connect a sock with
a user:pass integrated. I try but not works, can't connect
to the web (eg. Porn page to check if pass works)
- I call
/checaweb user:pass@www.something.com/members
/checaweb ww.something.com
/checaweb user:pass@www.something.com
- My alias is :
checaweb { sockopen ChecaWeb $1- 80 }
- The Remote is :
on 1:sockopen:ChecaWeb: {
if ( $sockerr > 1 ) {
var %mensaje = $input(Error en la Web,260)
else {
sockwrite -n ChecaWeb GET /members HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n ChecaWeb
on 1:sockread:ChecaWeb: {
sockread %recibido
echo -s %recibido
I use like 4 diferents GET and none works
Can anybody help me... ?