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Wims Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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Suppose an old type of install of mIRC, everything is in C:\mIRC\
I create the folder C:\mIRC\somefolder\ and put test.txt in it.
In mIRC, I load this file as a remote file, then I delete the folder "somefolder" and I unload test.txt (I now have 0 script loaded), I end up with a default script file located, according to mIRC, in "C:\mIRC\somefolder\remote.txt".
If I write an alias in the script editor and save, mIRC does not recreate the folder and save the file there (at least explorer does not show it).
$isalias(aliasname).fname reports "C:\mIRC\somefolder\remote.txt" and $isfile(C:\mIRC\somefolder\remote.txt) is $false
I restart mIRC, my alias is gone and default file is back to C:\mIRC\scripts\remote.ini

After unloading a file (I don't think this is affecting only remote script file but I didn't test it), mIRC tries to use the folder in which the unloaded file was, but mIRC should be checking if that folder exist before 'validating' (I have no idea what mIRC is doing when I hit control + s with mIRC displaying "C:\mIRC\somefolder\remote.txt" as the script filename, is mIRC even storing something on the disk?), and it should immediately revert back to the default /scripts/ folder.

And mIRC reports that /unloading "C:\mIRC\somefolder\remote.txt" works indefinitely, but trying to /unload a non existing file reports an error

Last edited by Wims; 25/01/18 05:42 PM.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
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Thanks this issue has been fixed for the next version.

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