You might try setting a timer that issues the command /saveini every 3600 seconds (hourly) or better. See if that works first. I used to have positive results with that 10 years ago.
To answer your question, if ($day == Wednesday) will happen on a Wednesday. Somebody just asked this on freenode ##mIRC a couple days ago. Maybe you?
Thanks for the suggestion! I look forward to implementing this!
I didn't ask that question on freenode earlier though. Never been on any other channel than Twitch's TMI.
Thanks for your post. I was able to reproduce this issue. mIRC processes the Windows WM_ENDESSION message (that tells an application that Windows is about to shut down). However, some aspects of the shutdown process in mIRC are slightly delayed (in order to handle custom dialogs, trigger exit scripts, and so on) and were not being performed as Windows terminated mIRC immediately. I have made a change that should resolve this issue in the next beta. In the meantime, the suggestion to use /saveini with a /timer should work.
That's great news! I appreciate what you do for us Khaled.