I learned that using this
JSON Viewer can help figure out the format structure of how you need to work inside of JSON to get to where you need.
For example:
alias streamGame {
var %j = followUser
JSONOpen -ud %j https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $1 $+ ?= $+ $ticks
var %streamGame = $json(%j,game)
return %streamGame
(Note: This is to find the game of a channel.)
But sit down and just read through the API code if possible.
It's easiest to just use the
http://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/CHANNEL/Look for the created_at: DATE and you'll be able to find it then.
Just do a $replace($json(%j,created_at),T,$chr(32),Z,)) and it'll look like 2012-01-20 23:15:15.
Following would be better to check out westor's code, and since he already has that under the !followed NICK section.
As always, using /help <item> can return a few things as well.