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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
Joined: Apr 2015
Posts: 18 |
I've come back after a few months without playing with mIRC and for some reason my check boxes refuse to appear. Its causing issues with the entire remote.
dialog away {
title "Away Manager"
size -1 -1 130 81
option dbu
icon $scriptdirgraphics/Cobra.ico, 0
button "Go Away", 1, 7 5 53 12
button "Come back", 2, 70 5 53 12
combo 4, 7 21.5 85 50, size edit drop
button "Add", 5, 94 20 14 12
button "Del", 6, 109 20 14 12
check "Auto Time Away", 8, 7 35 46 12
check "Auto Idle Away", 9, 7 45 43 12
check "Open on Away?", 10, 7 55 43 12
text %stat, 7, 7 70 116 8
alias aways dialog -m away away
menu channel,status,menubar {
alias updateawaytime {
if ($away) {
%stat = Status: $+ $chr(32) $+ Away For $+ $chr(32) $+ $duration($awaytime)
else {
%stat = Status: $+ $chr(32) $+ Active
did -r away 7
did -a away 7 %stat
alias autotimeaway {
if ($day == monday) || ($day == tuesday) || ($day == wednesday) || ($day == thursday) || ($day == friday) {
if ($time >= 07:30:00) && ($time <= 14:30:00) {
if (!$away) || ($awaymsg != School) {
/away School
elseif ($time >= 00:00:00) && ($time <= 05:00:00) {
if (!$away) || ($awaymsg != Sleeping) {
/away Sleeping
elseif ($day == saturday) || ($day == sunday) {
if ($time >= 01:00:00) && ($time <= 07:00:00) {
if (!$away) || ($awaymsg != Sleeping) {
/away Sleeping
alias autoidleaway {
if ($idle >= 1800) && (!$away) {
/away Idle For 30+ Minutes
alias openonaway {
if ($away) {
if ($dialog(away) == $null) {
alias close_away {
if ($did(away, 8).state == 1) {
%login.check.autotimeaway = 1
if ($did(away, 8).state == 0) {
%login.check.autotimeaway = 0
if ($did(away, 9).state == 1) {
%login.check.autoidleaway = 1
if ($did(away, 9).state == 0) {
%login.check.autoidleaway = 0
if ($did(away, 10).state == 1) {
%login.check.openonaway = 1
if ($did(away, 10).state == 0) {
%login.check.openonaway = 0
timerUAT off
on *:start:{
if (%login.check.autotimeaway == 1) {
timerATA 0 900 autotimeaway
if (%login.check.autoidleaway == 1) {
timerAIA 0 60 autoidleaway
if (%login.check.openonaway == 1) {
timerOOA 0 1 openonaway
on *:dialog:away:init:0:{
loadbuf -oe away 4 awayreasons.txt
timerUAT 0 1 updateawaytime
var %stat = Loading
if (%login.check.autotimeaway == 1) {
did -c away 8
if (%login.check.autoidleaway == 1) {
did -c away 9
if (%login.check.openonaway == 1) {
did -c away 10
/did -i away 4 0 $awaymsg
on *:dialog:away:sclick:1:{
if (!$away) || ($awaymsg != $did(away, 4)) {
if ($did(away, 4) != $null) {
away $did(away, 4)
on *:dialog:away:sclick:2:{
if ($away) {
dialog -x away
on *:dialog:away:sclick:5:{
if ($read(awayreasons.txt, w, $did(away, 4)) == $null}) {
write awayreasons.txt $did(away, 4)
did -r away 4
loadbuf -oe away 4 awayreasons.txt
on *:dialog:away:sclick:6:{
write -dl $+ $did(away, 4).sel awayreasons.txt
did -r away 4
loadbuf -oe away 4 awayreasons.txt
on *:dialog:away:sclick:8:{
if ($did(away, 8).state == 1) {
timerATA 0 900 autotimeaway
elseif ($did(away, 8).state == 0) {
timerATA off
on *:dialog:away:sclick:9:{
if ($did(away, 9).state == 1) {
timerAIA 0 60 autoidleaway
elseif ($did(away, 9).state == 0) {
timerAIA off
on *:dialog:away:sclick:10:{
if ($did(away, 10).state == 1) {
timerOOA 0 1 openonaway
elseif ($did(away, 10).state == 0) {
timerOOA off
on *:DIALOG:away:close:*:{
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,515
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,515 |
Actually the checkbox menus appear correcty. Btw i fixed some issues in your code:
dialog away {
title "Away Manager"
size -1 -1 130 81
option dbu
icon $scriptdirgraphics/Cobra.ico, 0
button "Go Away", 1, 7 5 53 12
button "Come back", 2, 70 5 53 12
combo 4, 7 21.5 85 50, size edit drop
button "Add", 5, 94 20 14 12
button "Del", 6, 109 20 14 12
check "Auto Time Away", 8, 7 35 48 12
check "Auto Idle Away", 9, 7 45 48 12
check "Open on Away?", 10, 7 55 48 12
text %stat, 7, 7 70 116 8
alias aways dialog -m away away
menu channel,status,menubar {
alias updateawaytime {
if ($away) { %stat = Status: $+ $chr(32) $+ Away For $+ $chr(32) $+ $duration($awaytime) }
else { %stat = Status: $+ $chr(32) $+ Active }
did -ra away 7 %stat
alias autotimeaway {
if ($day == monday) || ($day == tuesday) || ($day == wednesday) || ($day == thursday) || ($day == friday) {
if ($time >= 07:30:00) && ($time <= 14:30:00) {
if (!$away) || ($awaymsg != School) {
away School
elseif ($time >= 00:00:00) && ($time <= 05:00:00) {
if (!$away) || ($awaymsg != Sleeping) {
away Sleeping
elseif ($day == saturday) || ($day == sunday) {
if ($time >= 01:00:00) && ($time <= 07:00:00) {
if (!$away) || ($awaymsg != Sleeping) {
away Sleeping
alias autoidleaway {
if ($idle >= 1800) && (!$away) { away Idle For 30+ Minutes }
alias openonaway {
if ($away) && (!$dialog(away)) { aways }
alias close_away {
if ($did(away, 8).state == 1) { %login.check.autotimeaway = 1 }
if ($did(away, 8).state == 0) { %login.check.autotimeaway = 0 }
if ($did(away, 9).state == 1) { %login.check.autoidleaway = 1 }
if ($did(away, 9).state == 0) { %login.check.autoidleaway = 0 }
if ($did(away, 10).state == 1) { %login.check.openonaway = 1 }
if ($did(away, 10).state == 0) { %login.check.openonaway = 0 }
.timerUAT off
on *:start:{
if (%login.check.autotimeaway == 1) { .timerATA 0 900 autotimeaway }
if (%login.check.autoidleaway == 1) { .timerAIA 0 60 autoidleaway }
if (%login.check.openonaway == 1) { .timerOOA 0 1 openonaway }
on *:dialog:away:init:0: {
var %f = awayreasons.txt
if ($isfile(%f)) && ($lines(%f)) { loadbuf -oe away 4 $qt(%f) }
did -ra away 7 Status: Loading...
.timerUAT 0 1 updateawaytime
if (%login.check.autotimeaway == 1) { did -c away 8 }
if (%login.check.autoidleaway == 1) { did -c away 9 }
if (%login.check.openonaway == 1) { did -c away 10 }
did -i away 4 0 $awaymsg
on *:dialog:away:sclick:1:{
if (!$away) || ($awaymsg !== $did(away, 4)) {
if ($did(away, 4)) { away $did(away, 4) }
on *:dialog:away:sclick:2:{
if ($away) { away }
dialog -x away
on *:dialog:away:sclick:5:{
if (!$read(awayreasons.txt, w, $did(away, 4))) {
var %f = awayreasons.txt
write $qt(%f) $did(away, 4)
did -r away 4
if ($isfile(%f)) && ($lines(%f)) { loadbuf -oe away 4 $qt(%f) }
on *:dialog:away:sclick:6:{
var %f = awayreasons.txt
write -dl $+ $did(away, 4).sel $qt(%f)
did -r away 4
if ($isfile(%f)) && ($lines(%f)) { loadbuf -oe away 4 $qt(%f) }
on *:dialog:away:sclick:8:{
if ($did(away, 8).state == 1) { .timerATA 0 900 autotimeaway }
elseif ($did(away, 8).state == 0) { timerATA off }
on *:dialog:away:sclick:9:{
if ($did(away, 9).state == 1) { .timerAIA 0 60 autoidleaway }
elseif ($did(away, 9).state == 0) { .timerAIA off | resetidle }
on *:dialog:away:sclick:10:{
if ($did(away, 10).state == 1) { .timerOOA 0 1 openonaway }
elseif ($did(away, 10).state == 0) { .timerOOA off }
on *:DIALOG:away:close:*: { close_away }
Joined: Apr 2015
Posts: 18
Pikka bird
Pikka bird
Joined: Apr 2015
Posts: 18 |
Thanks for fixing up the script. However I still am not seeing the checks: Additionally, in the edits you made to the script, it seems as through the delete button actually deletes two lines instead of one in the file.
Last edited by xboxer16; 12/01/16 05:24 PM.
Joined: Dec 2008
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,515 |
I didn't delete any button i just fixed some bugs, by the way, the most important problem here is that you cannot see the checkboxes, please execute this command and give the output here:
//echo -a $os $version $iif($beta,$beta,0) $md5($mircexe,2) $file($mircexe).sig $alias(0) $script(0) $dll(0) $com(0)
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Posts: 18 |
8.1 7.43 0 ac3f79c0e1804529ca28be78d9c5436
Also its the "del" button with id 6
Last edited by xboxer16; 13/01/16 12:23 AM.
Joined: Dec 2008
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,515 |
Actually you are not using the original mIRC version. Please re-install it from this link and try again using the code.