Try this. When you connect, have this raw command executed:
Then in a parseline event, have it search for non blank emote use.
ON $*:PARSELINE:in:/^\S+;emotes=([^;]+);\S+ :\S+!\S+@\S+?(?:tmi|irc)\.twitch\.tv /i:{
echo -tsg $regml(0) . $regml(1)
var %emotes = $regex( $regml(1),/(\d+):([,\d-]+)/g)
echo -tsg %emotes . $regml(0)
while (%emotes) {
var %count = $calc(%emotes * 2), %id = $calc(%count - 1)
echo -tgs $scriptline :: %emotes : %id $regml(%id) > %count $regml(%count)
INC -u50 [ [ $+(%,$me,.emotes.,$regml(%id)) ] ] $numtok($regml(%count),44)
dec %emotes
What this will do is set a variable named %(the nick being used as the bot).emotes.(emote id) and increment the value based on the number of times the emote was used. Variable unsets after 50 seconds (from the last time it's set).
For example, if the nick being used is ImmaBot and Kappa is used 3 times on one line and then 5 on the next line, the variable names and values would be as follows...
%ImmaBot.emotes.25 3
%ImmaBot.emotes.25 8
How it works is that it matches lines where emotes are actually being used, then it breaks that down into a grouping (emote id):(locations of the emotes) and then counts how many locations there are. Here's an example of it in action.
[11:13:11] <- @color=#8A2BE2;display-name=Wolfie713;emotes=25:0-4,30-34/166:6-13,21-28/354:15-19;subscriber=0;turbo=0;user-id=1;user-type=mod :Wolfie713! PRIVMSG #somechannel :Kappa Volcania 4Head Volcania Kappa
Notice this part of the line:
See the "25:0-4,30-34"? 25 is Kappa and 0-4,30-34 are the locations of the emote word, separated by commas. Count the number of tokens, in this instance, two. Each emote grouping is separated by a slash so we can see there are three different emotes used.
The little event script above has an echo command in it so it will echo the process to the status window, which makes it easy to test out to see it in action. Simply remove the echo lines and customize to your needs.