So i want a command called "!uhc party regular" and when that command it is done it will write a .txt with the $nick's and when 3 nicks are in that txt it will say "3 Players have alreddy been assigned."
First of all you are NOT on any shop to order something, this is an official mirc forum and this section is for helping ppl with their ALREADY codes if you want to order a code you must first NOT ORDER THEM and then respect first of all the forum and then use "IF anyone can help me please with this code" act like an human and respect the ppl here so they can help you with your request otherwise start reading the mIRC official HELP FILE via /help and start building your request by your self.
P.S: Edit your title and remove the "
Need help" because here as you post you don't request for help but for someone to build your code.