Hi guys. I just tryed this program and it works well. So I made the simple commands for my personal twitch bot. Like !fb, !twitter etc. That gives a text after command in chat. So i dont understand how can i make the following options:
!command <option> I need to put the <option> into a global variable, how can i do this?
How to create arrays(is it possible?).
I'll be very greatfull if someone can help me with my problems. Thanks.
Would be nice to explain more about how and what you want the <option> to be like. Is it about opening Twitter page, or posting to Twitter, or something else? Maybe you can post a few hypothetical commands you would type.
Thanks mate, it works well) All the counts are working, i got the variables with each value. But when i'm trying to put the value of %command.<option>.times into chat, it's writing sth like this: <option>.times
on *:text:!command *:#:{
var %cmd = $gettok($1-,2-,32)
if (!%command. $+ $remove(%cmd,$chr(32))) {
set %command. $+ $remove(%cmd,$chr(32)) %cmd
else {
inc %command. $+ $remove(%cmd,$chr(32)) $+ .times
msg $chan %command. $+ $remove(%cmd,$chr(32)) $+ .times