I would like for the %Cache and %lastkill to be reset after 2 days from the %teim I've tried my hand at timers and I just can't wrap my head around them.
****in Chan*******
<Chisu> !cache
<NeverMore`>[[Chisu]]*[[Cache: 75 lbs]]*[[Last Kill: Goat ]]*[[On: Mon Nov 10 20:37:57 2014 ]]*[[Expires after two days!]]*[[Last wolves to hunt: Chisu Susista MetalStorm Kajika ]]*[[ #DR*Hunt ]
****************Script where I would like the Timer to start*************
On *:action:*!attacks*:#DR*Hunt: {
if (%member [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) && (%tar == on) {
set %hit $rand(0,25)
dec %healthanimal %hit
if (%healthanimal <= 0) {
inc %cache %healtha
set %lastkill %target
set %tiem $asctime
/msg $chan 5,1[[ $+ %theme $+ $nick $+ 5]]15has hit7 %target 15for4 %hit 15damage4*5[[14 Total HP Remaining:15 %healthanimal 5]]4*5[[15 Howl proud! Tonight, we wolves feast!!5]]
/msg $chan 5,1[[15Cache increased to7 %cache 15lbs5]]4*5[[7Last Kill:15 %lastkill 5]]4*5[[7On:15 %tiem 5]]4*5[[7Expires after two days!5]]4*5[[Last wolves to hunt5]]4*5[[15 %hunters 5]]
unset %target
unset %healthanimal
unset %hit
unset %damage
unset %healtha
unset %tar
********************Things I've been working on*****************************
on *:text:!Cache*:#:{
>Edit< if (<expires> isin %tiem) set $+(%,tiem_a,%tiem_a_i,_expires) $remove(%tiem,<expires>,</expires>,$chr(9)) |<endedit>
/msg $chan 5,1[[ $+ %theme $+ $nick $+ 5]]4*5[[7Cache:15 %cache lbs5]]4*5[[7Last Kill:15 %lastkill 5]]4*5[[7On:15 %tiem 5]]4*5[[7Expires after two days!5]]4*5[[7Last wolves to hunt:15 %hunters 5]]4*5[[ 5#4D7R8*7H4u5nt ]
On *:action:*!attacks*:#DR*Hunt: {
if (%member [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) && (%tar == on) {
set %hit $rand(0,25)
dec %healthanimal %hit
if (%healthanimal <= 0) {
inc %cache %healtha
set %lastkill %target
>EDIT< set %tiem $asctime Expires +2 <EndEdit>
/msg $chan 5,1[[ $+ %theme $+ $nick $+ 5]]15has hit7 %target 15for4 %hit 15damage4*5[[14 Total HP Remaining:15 %healthanimal 5]]4*5[[15 Howl proud! Tonight, we wolves feast!!5]]
/msg $chan 5,1[[15Cache increased to7 %cache 15lbs5]]4*5[[7Last Kill:15 %lastkill 5]]4*5[[7On:15 %tiem 5]]4*5[[7Expires after two days!5]]4*5[[Last wolves to hunt5]]4*5[[15 %hunters 5]]
unset %target
unset %healthanimal
unset %hit
unset %damage
unset %healtha
unset %tar
Any help would be appreciated!!!
Last edited by SophisDecay; 11/11/14 09:30 AM.