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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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So I thought the next version of mIRC would stop the crashing but it's still freezing and this is really bad because I run a livestream and it stop my bot from giving everyone points mid stream. ;-;

when will mirc be fixed? It was working flawlessly before 7.34.

Last edited by TylersGaming; 18/08/14 10:23 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Please be specific:
What do you mean by freezing?
When does it occur and how often?
Does it happen when you preform a specific action or does it seem random?

What mIRC version are you using?
What scripts are you using?
What dlls and such are you using?

I am SReject
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Originally Posted By: FroggieDaFrog
Please be specific:
What do you mean by freezing?
When does it occur and how often?
Does it happen when you preform a specific action or does it seem random?

What mIRC version are you using?
What scripts are you using?
What dlls and such are you using?

I'm using 7.36

I don't run that many scripts, just an irc bot that gives users points.

I have a different theme on mirc and that's it really.

It freezes randomly and goes into not responding.
Like when I start it and an hour later, it will be not responding.

It only seems to crash during my stream so maybe the mirc interferes with Open Broadcasting Software?

Last edited by TylersGaming; 18/08/14 10:38 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Please type the following command into your status window and post the results:

//echo -a $os $version $beta $md5($mircexe,2) $file($mircexe).sig $alias(0) $script(0) $dll(0) $com(0)

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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If you press ctrl+break does it start responding again? (you may need to press it many, many times).

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Before people invest too much time into this, I can tell you that the issue is your script that gives users points.
It's a terrible script that's been going around for quite some time now and it fills up with data extremely quickly, making reading the file extremely slow, causing the application to freeze.

Nillens @ irc.twitch.tv
Nillen @ irc.rizon.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Originally Posted By: Nillen
Before people invest too much time into this, I can tell you that the issue is your script that gives users points.
It's a terrible script that's been going around for quite some time now and it fills up with data extremely quickly, making reading the file extremely slow, causing the application to freeze.
First don't assume. Dependant on the output of the command Khaled gave, we ask the user to remove all scripts and such, and see if the problem persists

Now with that said, could you link a copy of the purposed issueitive script?

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 18/08/14 12:14 PM.

I am SReject
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Apologies. But I'm not assuming here, I have experience with helping this person in a previous forum post where I helped him over IRC.

The script I'm referring to is this:
Click to reveal..
What he's using is a variant of this, I don't have access to his specific script, but it's highly based off of this.
alias -l addPoints {
if ($1 !isnum) { echo 2 -st $1 is not a number. It needs to be a number. | halt }
var %topic $+($chan,.,$nick)
var %points $calc($readini(Points.ini,%topic,Points) + $1)
writeini -n Points.ini %topic Points %points
return %points

alias -l lookUpPoints {
var %topic $+($chan,.,$nick)
var %points $readini(Points.ini,%topic,Points)
return %points
alias doaddpoints {
if ($3 !isnum) { echo 2 -st $3 is not a number. It needs to be a number. | halt }
var %topic $+($1,.,$2)
var %points $calc($readini(Points.ini,%topic,Points) + $3)
writeini -n Points.ini %topic Points %points
echo -a Added points for %topic

alias dorempoints {
var %topic $+($1,.,$2)
remini -n Points.ini %topic Points
echo -a Removed points for %topic

on *:text:!points:#:{
if ((%floodpoints) || ($($+(%,floodpoints.,$nick),2))) { return }
set -u10 %floodpoints On
set -u30 %floodpoints. $+ $nick On
msg # $nick has $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Points) total DePoints.

on $*:text:/!points (add|remove)/Si:#:{
if ($nick isop #) {
if ($0 < 3) { msg # Insufficient parameters: Use !points <add|remove> <user> [number] | return }
writeini -n Points.ini $+(#,.,$3) Points $calc($readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,$3),Points) $iif($2 == add,+,-) $iif($4 isnum,$4,1))
{ msg $chan $3 now has $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,$3),Points) total points. }
else { msg $chan This command is only available to moderators. }
on !*:join:#:{
$+(.timerpoints.,#,.,$nick) 0 300 add.pts $+(#,.,$nick)
add.pts $+(#,.,$nick)
on !*:part:#:$+(.timerpoints.,#,.,$nick) off
alias -l add.pts {
writeini -n Points.ini $1 Points $calc($readini(Points.ini,$1,Points) + 5)
Taken directly off of another forum post.
What it does is increase a value in an ini file with a timer. The output looks like this:


It automatically starts a timer for every user on the join event and will also write to the file on join, which means that every user that hops into his channel will be logged in that file, making it extremely slow after a high number of data has been logged.

Nillens @ irc.twitch.tv
Nillen @ irc.rizon.net
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Originally Posted By: Nillen
Before people invest too much time into this, I can tell you that the issue is your script that gives users points.
It's a terrible script that's been going around for quite some time now and it fills up with data extremely quickly, making reading the file extremely slow, causing the application to freeze.

on *:TEXT:!on*:#:{
if ($nick == tylersgaming) {
if ($read(botstatus.txt,t,1) == on) {

if ( $read(botstatus.txt,t,1) == off) {
/write -c botstatus.txt
/timerAward 0 1800 /awardPoints $chan
write botstatus.txt on
msg $chan Points will now be awarded.

on *:TEXT:!off*:#:{
if ($nick == tylersgaming) {
if ($read(botstatus.txt,t,1) == off) {

if ( $read(botstatus.txt,t,1) == on) {
/write -c botstatus.txt
write botstatus.txt off
/timerAward off
msg $chan Points will no longer be awarded.

So I can't have a point script? Everyone else can run them fine with mIRC

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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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If mIRC can't handle a point script, is there another IRC that can handle it?

I really need to use this script or else all my viewers will be mad. ;-;

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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The problem is the poorly planned script, not mIRC itself. Find a different script or have somebody who knows what they're doing write you a new one.

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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Originally Posted By: Yawhatnever
The problem is the poorly planned script, not mIRC itself. Find a different script or have somebody who knows what they're doing write you a new one.


If anyone can help me with the script causing issues, look at this thread and see what you can come up with. smile

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