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#246915 12/07/14 05:50 PM
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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
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Hello everyone, I am creating a code to set the images in the various windows mirc, everything works fine except "background-d skin \ delice \ query.png" this command does not inposta the image in queries. Can you help me solve this problem?
Thank you
I apologize for my English I am Italian and I use the translator.

on *:dialog:skin:sclick:15:{
set %delice on
else unset %delice
background -sr skin\delice\status.png | background -hb skin\delice\Switchbar.png |
background -mf skin\delice\mirc.png | color -s delice | background -l skin\delice\toolbar.png | background -d skin\delice\query.png |
treebar on | Switchbar off | .splay $mircdirsounds/delice.wav |
.cnick -r0 * 11 ~ | .cnick -r0 * 4 & | .cnick -r0 * 7 @ | .cnick -r0 * 8 % | .cnick -r0 * 0 + | .cnick -r0 * 15 |
.cnick -r0 * 11 ~ | .cnick -r0 * 4 & | .cnick -r0 * 7 @ | .cnick -r0 * 8 % | .cnick -r0 * 0 + | .cnick -r0 * 15 |
.cnick -r0 * 1 ~ | cnick -r0 * 1 & | cnick -r0 * 1 @ | cnick -r0 * 1 % | cnick -r0 * 1 + | cnick -r0 * 1 |
.cnick -r0 * 9 ~ | cnick -r0 * 12 & | cnick -r0 * 3 @ | cnick -r0 * 7 % | cnick -r0 * 4 + | cnick -r0 * 13 |
.cnick -m0 $chr(36) $+ me 13 | cnick * 8 ~ | cnick * 9 & | cnick * 11 @ | cnick * 7 % | cnick * 4 + | cnick * 15 | clear | echo Skin Delice Attivata

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Background -d loads the picture in the "single message" window, that window is a special feature which display all the queries in an unique window.
There is no specific switch to set the background of a query, you need to use -a or to give the window's name for that query window.

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Wims #246921 13/07/14 10:12 AM
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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
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there is a command to set the background wquery file mirc.ini?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Use the -e switch to set the background as a default for the same type of window (here, query)

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Wims #247004 18/07/14 08:43 AM
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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
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I solved the case. writeini mirc.ini background wchannel skin \ delice \ chan.png
the only problem is when I change skin does not change the image of the chan chan I have to get out and go back to see the new image.
Can you help me?

on *:dialog:skin:sclick:15:{
set %delice on
else unset %delice
background -sr skin\delice\status.png | background -hb skin\delice\Switchbar.png | .writeini mirc.ini background wchannel skin\delice\chan.png
background -mf skin\delice\mirc.png | color -s delice | background -l skin\delice\toolbar.png | .writeini mirc.ini background wquery skin\delice\query.png
treebar on | Switchbar off | .splay $mircdirsounds/delice.wav |
.cnick -r0 * 9 ~ | cnick -r0 * 6 & | cnick -r0 * 3 @ | cnick -r0 * 7 % | cnick -r0 * 4 + | cnick -r0 * 15 |
.cnick -r0 * 12 ~ | cnick -r0 * 13 & | cnick -r0 * 7 @ | cnick -r0 * 11 % | cnick -r0 * 9 + | cnick -r0 * 8 |
.cnick -r0 * 11 ~ | .cnick -r0 * 4 & | .cnick -r0 * 7 @ | .cnick -r0 * 8 % | .cnick -r0 * 0 + | .cnick -r0 * 15 |
.cnick -r0 * 1 ~ | cnick -r0 * 1 & | cnick -r0 * 1 @ | cnick -r0 * 1 % | cnick -r0 * 1 + | cnick -r0 * 1 |
.cnick -r0 * 9 ~ | cnick -r0 * 12 & | cnick -r0 * 3 @ | cnick -r0 * 7 % | cnick -r0 * 4 + | cnick -r0 * 13 |
.cnick -m0 $chr(36) $+ me 13 | cnick * 8 ~ | cnick * 9 & | cnick * 11 @ | cnick * 7 % | cnick * 4 + | cnick * 15 | clear | echo Skin Delice Attivata


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You cannot write to mirc.ini that way to solve your problem, when you exit mIRC, mIRC overwrites that file, this is pointless. use the -e switch on /background while setting a query background and it will use that for all query, i.e. it should result in "wquery=query.png" or "wchannel=channel.png" etc

Last edited by Wims; 18/07/14 01:28 PM.

#mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net == the best mIRC help channel
Wims #247045 19/07/14 08:05 PM
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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
Joined: Jul 2014
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in this way?
writeini mirc.ini background wchannel=skin\delice\chan.png
writeini mirc.ini background wquery=skin\delice\query.png

I know that you can use while, but I do not know to create a script while.

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