FIXED, topic can be closed. Currently displayed code WORKS!

Tested it through and through, it must be something specific that doesn't go together cus it all returns proper values. I'm a bit at a loss. Help appreciated.

alias song {
  var %song = $read(%StreamFolder. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $+ now_playing_ $+ $($+(%,ADMIN.,$1),2) $+ .txt,nt)
  var %currentSong = currentSong. $+ $($+($1),2)
  if (!$hget(playlistHash,%currentSong)) { hadd playlistHash %currentSong %song  }
  if ($hget(playlistHash,%currentSong) != %song) {
    $msgbot($1,♫ %song ♫)
    hadd playlistHash %currentSong %song

This doesn't add anything to the hash.
if (!$hget(playlistHash,%currentSong) { hadd playlistHash %currentSong %song }

These both return proper values.
var %song
var %currentSong


Last edited by lindenkron; 25/11/13 06:32 PM.