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Hi, I use mIRC 7.17 and have a problem with all of my settings getting reset from time to time. When they have reset I look in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\mIRC and open mirc.ini which contains the default program-settings. However, there are files in the same folder named mircXX.tm_, which I guess act as config-backups. I can use these to get my settings back.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I haven't noticed temporary files from mIRC before, so I'm not entirely sure what they are for or what causes them. However, it would be my guess that the fact that you have temporary files and that you are losing settings would indicate mIRC is either crashing, being closed incorrectly, or there is a problem writing the data to the mirc.ini file (possibly due to a hard drive problem). Make sure to close mIRC normally. Don't just shut down your computer or restart it while mIRC is running. That may help.
Also, I'd recommend running a chkdsk (hard drive scan) on the drive to make sure it has no problems. To do that, go to Computer and right click on your C: drive. Choose properties and then Tools. Click the Check Now button under Error Checking and then check both boxes and press Start. The scan cannot be done while Windows in running, so it will ask you if you want to schedule it for the next boot. Choose Yes. You can then reboot anytime you're ready. When booting, it will show a screen saying it is going to check the drive. Don't press any key (unless you want to skip it for some reason) and it will run the scan and repair any errors it finds. You can either leave it alone until done, or if you want to keep an eye on it so you know if there are errors, you can do that. There will not be any indication after Windows finishes loading to tell you if anything was found, so watching it is the only notification you'll get. If you do watch it and notice a large number of errors, it would be a good idea to back up any important files because your drive may be failing and may not last very long.
Beyond that, I don't know. Maybe someone else knows more about what would cause those temporary files to be there.
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Mostly harmless
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Happens to me, too. My system: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
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Mostly harmless
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Sorry to necro, but similar issue - only seems to happen when I shut down Windows while mIRC is running (even though I don't use the force shutdown option), though it's not consistent. It won't wipe everything - my servers and perform settings are still intact, but all the main settings you can get from the connect window do seem to be reset.
I am also using Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit, so not sure if that's what it is :P I also do tend to have a lot open in it (6 or 7 servers, most channels on a server is 11, and it is a bouncer which has a max buffer of 2k lines per channel... which several (well, most) hit within a few hours). Not sure if that affects anything, just thought it was worth mentioning.
EDIT: Might note that I've had this happen both on clean installations and upgrades, as well as fullly clean Windows installations. Did not notice this happening on Windows XP, but then again it's been awhile since I used it frequently and my memory isn't that great.
Last edited by trekkie1701c; 04/05/11 04:19 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You're not shutting mIRC down correctly. Realize that if you have "a lot open", mIRC will take a long time to close. In some cases, a script/dll might be holding it up from being able to quit. In this case, Windows will often "force" mIRC to close by rescinding important resources (like file handles), even though it won't show you the "force quit" dialog. Since mIRC keeps file handles active, the shutdown process can easily rip the carpet out from under mIRC's feet, so to speak, and corrupt files that mIRC is using.
In general, you shouldn't hit shut down on your machine prior to closing important programs. Instead, shutdown mIRC first, and this problem will resolve itself. FYI other programs can see the same file corruption in this scenario; mIRC is no different here. This isn't just a rule for mIRC, but any program that maintains file system resources running.
That said-- mIRC probably should stop keeping these files open; this would make it more shutdown friendly.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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ive noticed for me, as soon as i disabled auto updates, the settings have never been defaulted since. even through improper shutdowns. or at least it seems that way for months on end now with no problems.