I should be display as:
<- :***.***.gr 330 westor DANCE :is logged in as DANCE
I'm only including debug/raw output for mIRC since the other clients would be the same in the debug/raw output.
I'm also using charybdis in this example since it uses the same 330 numeric/raw for the "is logged in as" line as UnrealIRCd / InspIRCd / u2.10.12.10+snircd(1.3.4) (QuakeNet) / and possibly other IRCds.
// mIRC
[22:27:06] -> irc.foobar.net WHOIS KindOne KindOne
[22:27:06] <- :irc.foobar.net 311 KindOne KindOne KindOne KindOne/. * :...
[22:27:06] <- :irc.foobar.net 319 KindOne KindOne :#cake
[22:27:06] <- :irc.foobar.net 312 KindOne KindOne irc.foobar.net :foobar
[22:27:06] <- :irc.foobar.net 313 KindOne KindOne :is a Server Administrator
[22:27:06] <- :irc.foobar.net 378 KindOne KindOne :is connecting from *@a.b.c.d.dynamic.ip.windstream.net a.b.c.d
[22:27:06] <- :irc.foobar.net 317 KindOne KindOne 65548 1381133675 :seconds idle, signon time
[22:27:06] <- :irc.foobar.net 330 KindOne KindOne KindOne :is logged in as
[22:27:06] <- :irc.foobar.net 318 KindOne KindOne :End of /WHOIS list.
[22:27:08] -> irc.foobar.net NICK :K
[22:27:08] <- :KindOne!KindOne@KindOne/. NICK :K
[22:27:11] -> irc.foobar.net WHOIS K K
[22:27:11] <- :irc.foobar.net 311 K K KindOne KindOne/. * :...
[22:27:11] <- :irc.foobar.net 319 K K :#cake
[22:27:11] <- :irc.foobar.net 312 K K irc.foobar.net :foobar
[22:27:11] <- :irc.foobar.net 313 K K :is a Server Administrator
[22:27:11] <- :irc.foobar.net 378 K K :is connecting from *@a.b.c.d.dynamic.ip.windstream.net a.b.c.d
[22:27:11] <- :irc.foobar.net 317 K K 65553 1381133675 :seconds idle, signon time
[22:27:11] <- :irc.foobar.net 330 K K KindOne :is logged in as
[22:27:11] <- :irc.foobar.net 318 K K :End of /WHOIS list.
// mIRC status window of the raw/debug output from above. (Since I did the command there.)
/whois KindOne
KindOne is KindOne@KindOne/. * ...
KindOne on #cake
KindOne using irc.foobar.net foobar
KindOne is a Server Administrator
KindOne is connecting from *@a.b.c.d.dynamic.ip.windstream.net a.b.c.d
KindOne has been idle 18hrs 12mins 28secs, signed on Mon Oct 07 04:14:35
KindOne is logged in as KindOne
KindOne End of /WHOIS list.
/nick K
[22:27:08] * Your nick is now K
/whois K
K is KindOne@KindOne/. * ...
K on #cake
K using irc.foobar.net foobar
K is a Server Administrator
K is connecting from *@a.b.c.d.dynamic.ip.windstream.net a.b.c.d
K has been idle 18hrs 12mins 33secs, signed on Mon Oct 07 04:14:35
K is logged in as KindOne
K End of /WHOIS list.
// The logged in as line for other clients.
// HexChat
[22:34:52] | KindOne is logged in as KindOne
// irssi
22:30:59 -!- account : KindOne
Lets look at 330: (Silly forum format issues)
------------------------------------------ $1 ---- $2 ------ $3 ---- $4 -- $5 -- $6 $7
[22:27:06] <- :irc.foobar.net 330 KindOne KindOne KindOne :is logged in as
mIRC / Hexchat simply grab the $3 and moves it after the $7 on the GUI side to make it simpler to read.
irssi on the other hand just grabs the $3 and puts it after the "account :" to make it simpler to read.
What you seem to be suggesting is that the IRCd's switch the way the output is sent. This will most likely NEVER happen in my opinion since it seems to be an unoffical standard with many IRCd as it's not in the RFC's.
Switching around the output of the IRCd's would break many IRC clients and possibly scripts for mIRC and other IRC clients since some people might be using the $3.
Also notice how mIRC converts the numbers from the numeric/raw 317 and makes it simpler to read in the /whois output example.
What you see in the debug/raw window is the raw IRC input/ouput without the irc clients altering the content.