I'm running on a Dell Inspiron laptop with Windows 8. The mIRC client is allowed on Public and Private networks. I have removed my antivirus for the time being to make sure it wasn't the problem.
When i try to connect on a website client rather then the mIRC client i get this message:
Logging in...
-Sentinels.NoixIRC.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-Sentinels.NoixIRC.net- *** Checking ident...
Disconnected from sentinels.noixirc.net
And when i try to connect on the mIRC client, i get:
* Connecting to irc.webchat.org (7000)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
Edit: I put the /server sentinels.noixirc.net into the mIRC client and now it gives me the 10053 software caused connection abort code.
Edit: I am also on a college internet so could that be a reason?
Last edited by Ayso; 26/03/13 09:09 PM.