the code i use looks similar to this one:
on *:text:!getinfo:#: {
sockclose lvd
set %r.chan $chan
sockopen lvd 80
on *:sockopen:lvd: {
sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /headlines.php HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:lvd: {
/var %lvd
/sockread %lvd
write test.txt %lvd
set %check1 $read(test.txt,2)
set %check2 $remove(%check1,blablablab)
printlvd %check2
alias printlvd {
msg %r.chan $1
and what i ment with quits is: that my bot keeps sending the output of the script to the channel. it starts flooding the channel with the output. until the bot gets kicked because of flooding.
the sockets are working fine imo. it saves the content to a .txt file. it also get the right line in from the .txt file. removes the things i want. and send it to the channel. it only keeps repeating it to the channel.