These are the commands i get when i go -
-NickServ- LISTLINKS List all nicknames you have linked
-NickServ- ACCESS Modify the list of authorized addresses
-NickServ- AJOIN Modify your autojoin list
-NickServ- SET Set options, including kill protection
-NickServ- UNSET Clear nickname information
-NickServ- RECOVER Kill another user who has taken your nickname
-NickServ- RELEASE Regain custody of your nickname after RECOVER
-NickServ- GHOST Disconnect a "ghost" session
-NickServ- INFO Display information on a nickname
-NickServ- LIST List all nicknames matching a given mask
-NickServ- LISTEMAIL List nicknames by E-mail address
-NickServ- LISTCHANS List all channels you own
-NickServ- STATUS Check whether a given nickname is identified