Hello all; myself and friends who use mirc like to use quotation "like so" in our messages a lot, and while using Ctrl+K to colour it or surrounding text doesn't take too long, it would be nice if there was some way to do it automatically. Unfortunately a key challenge is that it needs to also retain its colour in the log, limiting my options to colour codes rather than client-side mods. In that respect i'd essentially like a way to streamline the colour coding process so that it automatically begins and ends a certain colour code with the start and end of any quoted text.
In reality what would be ideal is a way to colour all text EXCEPT quotation (leaving it black), in which scenario I suppose all messages would have to automatically start with the colour code then a quotation mark add black, then the ending quotation mark add the colour code after it again to colour any further non-quoted text, but I realise that's potentially even trickier.
I'll probably be alright figuring out how to script this stuff myself, i'm just wondering if any of what i'm suggesting is even possible or feasible with some sort of simple script or mod?