Thank you for the reply's.
But to my dismay, I believe I have been
asking the wrong question

And in honesty, was not in 'the loop whole'
when the original link was made/created.
I just found some other, maybe, interesting
information out about the 'link' we used.
The following is a copied/pasted text from one
of the others involved in this in-devour.
**NAME HIDDEN**™¿: We need a link that when you click on it,
it downloads irc then asks you to install; when thats done,
you automaticaly connect to our channel thats called
#hmp-gaming our channel is situated on quakenet - UK Random servers
**NAME HIDDEN**™¿: our old link looked like this <-- (dead link now)
I believe this is a lost cause, due to me thinking that to
make the above possible, C++ or another program is needed to:
Download;Install;Connect <-- Am I correct ?
Please tell me I'm wrong

Thank you in advance.
(p.s) Work alot so cant reply for a few days....ish